Year 5

Reading, responding to&performing 'A Bird came down the Walk' by Emily Dickinson

I can perform the poem, using intonation and expression to convey meaning.

Year 5

Reading, responding to&performing 'A Bird came down the Walk' by Emily Dickinson

I can perform the poem, using intonation and expression to convey meaning.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The poem describes a bird that comes down a garden path and interacts with the natural world around it.
  2. ‘A Bird came down the Walk’ can be described as a fixed verse poem; it consists of five verses, containing four lines.
  3. Dashes create a pause in the poem; these can also be called caesuras.
  4. Dashes can be used to create emphasis, add dramatic effect or control the pacing of a poem.
  5. Understanding a poem, its language, imagery & the impression it creates will help us to create an impactful performance.

Common misconception

Pupils may not recognise all of the rhyming words.

Explain to pupils that some words may not rhyme based on the accent of the person reading them. Likewise, other words may rhyme when read in Dickinson's native American accent.


  • Atmosphere - the mood created in a section or whole of a text

  • Imagery - the use of language to create a mental picture or sensory experience for the reader or listener

  • Gesture - a movement that helps express an idea or meaning

  • Pace - the speed or rhythm at which a poem is read or performed

Emily Dickinson's poem reflects choices that she made as a poet that may not be consistent with pupils' understanding of grammar. These reflect her poetic writing style. Poetry does not necessarily have to follow the same rules as prose.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

True or false? Poems written about animals must always be positive.
Correct Answer: False, false
What is the poetic term for when a sentence or phrase continues over the end of a line of poetry?
Correct answer: enjambment
Another word for the atmosphere of a poem is the ...
Correct answer: mood.
True or false? A poem must always contain four lines in each verse.
Correct Answer: False, false
Which of the following words links to the speed at which poetry is read aloud?
figurative language
Correct answer: pace
When reading an exciting piece of poetry aloud, what volume is most appropriate?
Correct answer: loud

6 Questions

Who is the poet of 'A Bird came down the Walk'?
Correct Answer: Emily Dickinson, Emily dickinson, emily dickinson
Which country did Emily Dickinson write most of her poetry in?
Correct answer: the United States of America
Match the following keywords to their definitions.
Correct Answer:imagery,the use of language to create a mental picture or sensory experience

the use of language to create a mental picture or sensory experience

Correct Answer:gestures,a movement that helps express an idea or meaning

a movement that helps express an idea or meaning

Correct Answer:pace,the speed or rhythm at which a poem is read or performed

the speed or rhythm at which a poem is read or performed

Put the following events found in the poem ‘A Bird came down the Walk’ in order.
1 - The bird eats an angleworm.
2 - The bird has a drink from a dew drop on a blade of grass.
3 - The bird lets a beetle pass.
4 - The speaker of the poem offers the bird a crumb to eat.
Match the following words to their definitions.
Correct Answer:dew,tiny drops of water that form on surfaces

tiny drops of water that form on surfaces

Correct Answer:seam,a line or division

a line or division

Correct Answer:velvet,a soft fabric

a soft fabric

Which of the following effects can dashes (caesuras) have on a poem?
Correct answer: A dash can create emphasis.
Correct answer: A dash can control the pacing of a poem.
Correct answer: A dash can add dramatic effect.
A dash can signal the end of the poem.

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