Exploring perspective in 'Princess Sophia Duleep Singh: My Story'
I can compare and contrast two different perspectives of a setting.
Exploring perspective in 'Princess Sophia Duleep Singh: My Story'
I can compare and contrast two different perspectives of a setting.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Abdul Karim is a member of Queen Victoria’s household. He is teaching the Queen Hindustani.
- Abdul Karim describes India in Chapter 6.
- The Duleep Singh sisters visit India in Chapters 9-14; their experiences differ from their expectations.
- Reading from a particular perspective may mean that events or thoughts might not be balanced.
- Readers can compare and contrast a character’s perspective if they discuss shared or similar experiences.
Perspective - refers to the point-of-view or position from which the reader reads, influencing the way events or ideas are portrayed and understood
Compare - identifying similarities between two or more things, ideas, themes or texts
Contrast - identifying differences between two or more things, ideas, themes or texts
Common misconception
Pupils may think Abdul Karim's description of India is fully linked to his own experiences.
Explain that Abdul Karim was born in the village of Lalitpur in the North Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. His family background was modest. His description is likely influenced by who he is talking to.
You need a copy of the 2022 Scholastic edition of ‘Princess Sophia Duleep Singh (My Story), written by Sufiya Ahmed, for this lesson.
Content guidance
- Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
Adult supervision recommended
Starter quiz
6 Questions
Exit quiz
6 Questions
the point-of-view or position from which the reader reads
involves identifying similarities between two or more things or ideas
involves identifying differences between two or more things or ideas
a group of people belonging to the highest social class in a society
when someone feels angry or bitter about something
a language spoken in India, blending Hindi and Urdu words
a language spoken in the Punjab region