Year 5

Analysing the main character in 'Macbeth'

I can make inferences and draw conclusions about the character of Macbeth.

Year 5

Analysing the main character in 'Macbeth'

I can make inferences and draw conclusions about the character of Macbeth.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A protagonist is the leading character or one of the major characters in a narrative.
  2. Macbeth is the protagonist of Shakespeare's ’Macbeth’.
  3. Inner conflict is a key theme in many of Shakespeare's plays.
  4. We can make inferences about characters' feelings and personalities based on their actions, expressions and words.
  5. Macbeth is a highly conflicted character.

Common misconception

In Task A, pupils might need support in identifying what each still from the animation is showing.

Look at each image and prompt pupils with questions such as 'Who is this character?'.


  • Protagonist - the leading character or one of the major characters in a narrative

  • Conflict - an ongoing disagreement or argument

  • Inference - using reasoning or evidence to draw conclusions

  • Theme - a central idea that the writer intends the audience to engage deeply with

Pupils could act out different parts of the play to support their understanding of the plot.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

'Macbeth' is a play written by which playwright?
Christopher Marlow
Correct answer: William Shakespeare
Who is the main character in the play 'Macbeth'?
King Duncan
a witch
Correct answer: Macbeth
What kind of play is 'Macbeth'?
Correct answer: a tragedy
a comedy
a history
In the opening scene (Act 1, Scene 1) of 'Macbeth' three witches meet on a heath. What do they do when they meet?
Correct answer: speak in paradoxes and make a plan to meet Macbeth
make predictions about what will happen to Macbeth and Banquo
put a spell on King Duncan
make a magical potion
The opening scene sets a ...
hopeful and optimistic mood
Correct answer: dark and violent mood
light-hearted and humorous mood
After writing a piece of work, we should ...
never look at it again
Correct answer: edit it to check for mistakes and ways we could improve it
accept that it is our best effort and not try to change it

6 Questions

What is a protagonist in a play?
the narrator who is telling the story
Correct answer: the leading character or one of the major characters in a narrative
the jester that makes everyone laugh
Who is Macbeth with when he meets the witches on the heath?
Correct answer: Banquo
Lady Macbeth
King Duncan
What do the witches say when they meet Macbeth and Banquo on the heath?
Correct answer: All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor!
Thou shalt kill King Duncan.
Correct answer: Lesser than Macbeth and greater.
All hail King Banquo!
Order the events in chronological order.
1 - Macbeth lifts the flag in victory.
2 - Macbeth and Banquo meet three witches on the heath.
3 - Macbeth is made Thane of Cawdor.
4 - Macbeth rides back to his castle, having written to his wife.
Which of the following adjectives would you use to describe Macbeth?
Correct answer: ambitious
Correct answer: impressionable
Which of the following are themes in the play 'Macbeth'?
mistaken identity
Correct answer: the supernatural
unrequited love
Correct answer: guilt and conscience