Year 6

Exploring Juliet's emotions after meeting Romeo

I can use the authentic play script to work out how Juliet feels about Romeo after meeting him.

Year 6

Exploring Juliet's emotions after meeting Romeo

I can use the authentic play script to work out how Juliet feels about Romeo after meeting him.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Shakespeare wrote 'Romeo and Juliet' as a play script.
  2. Lines in the script give us clues for how characters feel and think.
  3. Romeo and Juliet meet at a masked ball hosted by Lord Capulet.
  4. Romeo falls instantly in love with Juliet upon first sight.
  5. Romeo overhears Juliet professing her love for him later the same night from her balcony.

Common misconception

Pupils may find it hard to understand the Early Modern English.

There are numerous modern English 'translations' available online; you may wish to give some pupils access to these in addition to the scaffolding in the lesson. The priority is for pupils to engage with Juliet's emotions.


  • Scene - a sequence of continuous action in a play, film, opera or book

  • Play script - the written version of a play

  • Early Modern English - the stage of English language used from approximately the late 15th century to the late 17th century

You may want to show a real theatrical production or alternative film version of the ballroom and balcony scenes; you may also wish to choose alternative quotations from the relevant scenes.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of serious crime


Adult supervision required


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6 Questions

What kind of play is 'Romeo and Juliet'?
Correct answer: tragedy
Which characters survive in 'Romeo and Juliet'?
Correct answer: the Nurse
Correct answer: Capulet
Who does Capulet want his daughter, Juliet, to marry in 'Romeo and Juliet'?
Correct answer: Paris
Put these events from 'Romeo and Juliet' in order.
1 - Romeo and Juliet meet at the masked ball.
2 - They kiss.
3 - Romeo hears Juliet talking at her window and they confess their love.
4 - Friar Laurence marries them in secret.
5 - Romeo is exiled for killing Tybalt.
Match the characters in 'Romeo and Juliet' to their descriptions.
Correct Answer:Romeo,Montague's son

Montague's son

Correct Answer:Juliet,Capulet's daughter

Capulet's daughter

Correct Answer:Mercutio,Romeo's friend

Romeo's friend

Correct Answer:Benvolio,Romeo's cousin

Romeo's cousin

Correct Answer:Tybalt,Juliet's cousin

Juliet's cousin

What is the final main event of 'Romeo and Juliet'?
Romeo kills himself.
Juliet kills herself.
Correct answer: The families agree to end the feud.
Juliet wakes up.

6 Questions

What barriers do Romeo and Juliet face to them being together?
Romeo cannot climb the orchard wall.
Romeo is engaged to Rosaline.
Juliet is engaged to Benvolio.
Correct answer: Their families are feuding.
Put these events from 'Romeo and Juliet' in order.
1 - Romeo and his friends attend the ball in masks.
2 - Romeo sees Juliet across the dance floor.
3 - Romeo and Juliet kiss.
4 - Romeo climbs over the orchard wall.
5 - Romeo hears Juliet talking about him on her balcony.
What is the best 'translation' of this piece of Juliet's dialogue? 'Wherefore art thou Romeo?'
Where are you, Romeo?
Correct answer: Why are you Romeo?
Who are you, Romeo?
When are you coming, Romeo?
Why does Juliet ask 'Wherefore art thou Romeo?'?
She wants to know how he got his name.
Correct answer: She is wondering why the person she loves has to be a Montague.
She wants to know where he is.
Match these words and phrases to their meanings.
Correct Answer:loathed,hated


Correct Answer:I know not,I don't know

I don't know

Correct Answer:refuse thy name,give up your family

give up your family

Correct Answer:considering who thou art,considering who you are

considering who you are

What do Romeo and Juliet agree to do at the end of the balcony scene?
never meet again
Correct answer: marry tomorrow
marry in a few weeks
meet in the orchard tomorrow