Year 6

Generating vocabulary for Juliet's diary entry

I can generate vocabulary that precisely matches Juliet's first impressions of Romeo and her feelings about him at different points.

Year 6

Generating vocabulary for Juliet's diary entry

I can generate vocabulary that precisely matches Juliet's first impressions of Romeo and her feelings about him at different points.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Writing is most successful when it is planned; this can include planning the vocabulary we may wish to include.
  2. Juliet's diary entries will cover meeting Romeo, discovering he is a Montague and agreeing to marry him.
  3. We will want to give Juliet's first impressions of Romeo by showing how she perceives him.
  4. We will want to show Juliet's emotions at different points in the narrative.
  5. We can use both rich vocabulary and show-not-tell to describe emotions.

Common misconception

Pupils may be confused by the structure of the diary entries proposed.

We will be writing a diary entry for Juliet written after the ball and then a short second entry in which she reflects on the marriage agreement.


  • Diary - a book in which a person keeps a daily record of events, experiences and emotions

  • Thesaurus - a book listing the synonyms of words

  • Emotions - strong feelings that result from a person's circumstances, mood or relationships with others

  • 'show-not-tell' - a writing technique for showing a character’s feelings with description of their actions, body language and facial expressions

Some pupils may find discussing romantic emotions awkward. Reassure them that this is totally normal; we are writing in role as Juliet, but we are not saying that we share her emotions!
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Why do Romeo and Juliet have to keep their romance secret?
The Nurse disapproves of their relationship.
Friar Laurence would tell their families about it.
Correct answer: Their families are feuding.
The Prince of Verona has forbidden it.
When does Juliet find out that Romeo is a Montague?
before she meets him
before she kisses him
Correct answer: after she kisses him
when she is standing on the balcony
Which of these is the best 'translation' of this piece of Juliet's dialogue? 'My only love sprung from my only hate.'
Correct answer: the only person I love is from the family I'm supposed to hate
he keeps coming back even though I hate him
it's because I hate the Montagues that I love Romeo
What kind of English is 'Romeo and Juliet' written in?
Late Modern English
Correct answer: Early Modern English
Modern English
Old English
Why does Juliet say that the orchard might be 'death' to Romeo?
because he might fall from the wall
because there are poisonous plants
because there are guard dogs
Correct answer: because if he's seen by the Capulets, they'll kill him
Which words complete this famous quote? 'Parting is such __________, that I shall say good night till it be morrow.'
bitter sorrow
a thing to borrow
Correct answer: sweet sorrow
sweet sadness

6 Questions

What is Juliet's first impression of Romeo?
Correct answer: positive
Which words below are synonyms of 'perfect'?
Correct answer: impeccable
Correct answer: flawless
What does a thesaurus help us to find?
correct spellings
Correct answer: synonyms
interesting words
Match these emotion words to their meanings.
Correct Answer:ecstatic,filled with joy

filled with joy

Correct Answer:yearning,longing for something

longing for something

Correct Answer:inconsolable,so upset you can't be comforted

so upset you can't be comforted

Correct Answer:melancholy,sadness


Which ideas would help us 'show-not-tell' Juliet's emotions when she learns that Romeo is a Montague?
smiling from ear to ear
Correct answer: stomach dropped
too excited to sleep
Correct answer: let out a gasp
Which word could be used to describe Juliet's emotions as she writes in her diary when she gets home from the ball?
Correct answer: desolate