Year 6

Planning the duel scene

I can plan the structure and content of a piece of narrative writing, showing the duel from Act III Scene 1 of 'Romeo and Juliet'.

Year 6

Planning the duel scene

I can plan the structure and content of a piece of narrative writing, showing the duel from Act III Scene 1 of 'Romeo and Juliet'.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. We are planning a narrative retelling of the duel scene in Act III Scene 1, using the same events.
  2. Narrative includes overlapping elements of dialogue, description, emotion and action.
  3. We can include all of these narrative elements in our plan in order to ensure we have covered all the content we need.
  4. Our plan is written in note form, in the third person and the past tense.
  5. We are following a structure of four paragraphs, tracking the key events of the animated version of the scene.

Common misconception

Pupils may find it challenging to distinguish between the narrative elements.

The elements often overlap - we use action to show emotion, for instance. Encourage a relaxed approach to this; the main aim is to ensure that we have covered a wide range of content in our plans.


  • Action - events or things that are done by characters in a narrative

  • Description - where we use words to help someone imagine what something is like

  • Dialogue - a conversation between two or more people, written in a text or story

  • Emotion - strong feelings that result from a person's circumstances, mood or relationships with others

The series of events in the Animated Tales version is slightly simplified from the play script - you may wish to choose either version and adapt your plans accordingly.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of serious crime
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision required


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6 Questions

Why is the duel scene in Act III Scene 1 part of the climax of the narrative in 'Romeo and Juliet'?
because it's where the characters and setting are introduced
Correct answer: because it's the high point of the drama and action
because it's where the problems in the plot are resolved
because it's where the tension first begins to rise
Which events would be covered in a narrative retelling of the duel scene?
Romeo meeting Juliet at the ball
Correct answer: Romeo killing Tybalt
Correct answer: Mercutio duelling with Tybalt
Correct answer: Tybalt killing Mercutio
Friar Laurence marrying the pair in secret
Which pair of words best fills the gaps in the following sentence? 'As Mercutio __________ to the side of the street, Tybalt __________ quickly off into an alleyway.'
skulked, swaggered
swaggered, staggered
Correct answer: staggered, scurried
staggered, skulked
Which of the following duelling moves are defensive moves?
Correct answer: parry
Correct answer: feint
Which pair of words best fills the gap in the following sentence to show pain? 'As Mercutio __________ in pain, he __________ softly.'
grimaced, writhed
Correct answer: grimaced, groaned
writhed, contorted
gritted his teeth, writhed
Which words best describe the atmosphere of the duel scene?
Correct answer: tense
Correct answer: dangerous
Correct answer: pacey

6 Questions

Put the events of our plan in order.
1 - Mercutio and Tybalt duelling
2 - Mercutio in pain and dying
3 - Romeo reacting to the death
4 - Romeo and Tybalt duelling to the death
Match each characters to what they might say in the scene we've described.
Correct Answer:Benvolio,"Romeo, run!"

"Romeo, run!"

Correct Answer:Romeo,"Mercutio's dead and now one of us must follow him!"

"Mercutio's dead and now one of us must follow him!"

Correct Answer:Mercutio,"A plague on both your houses!"

"A plague on both your houses!"

Which element of a narrative is shown here? 'Mercutio’s sharp rapier glittered in the bright sun of the city square.'
Correct answer: description
Which element of a narrative is shown here? 'Romeo rushed towards Mercutio and held his arms. At that moment, Tybalt struck.'
Correct answer: action
Match the events of the scene to the emotions Romeo feels during each event.
Correct Answer:Mercutio and Tybalt duelling,desperate to stop them

desperate to stop them

Correct Answer:Mercutio in pain and dying,sad


Correct Answer:Romeo reacting to the death,angry


Correct Answer:Romeo and Tybalt duelling to the death,determined to avenge Mercutio

determined to avenge Mercutio

Which pair of words best fills the gaps in the following sentence? 'Tybalt __________ at Mercutio, who __________ too late.'
grimaced, staggered
scurried, writhed
Correct answer: lunged, parried
parried, lunged