Year 4

Two types of clause, including subordinate clauses

I can identify different types of clause.

Year 4

Two types of clause, including subordinate clauses

I can identify different types of clause.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Any clause is a group of words that contains a verb.
  2. A main clause is a group of words that contains a verb and makes complete sense.
  3. A subordinate clause is a group of words that contains a verb that does not make complete sense.
  4. A subordinate clause must be joined to a main clause to make a complex sentence.
  5. One type of subordinate clause is an adverbial clause, which starts with a subordinating conjunction.

Common misconception

Pupils may think verbs can only show 'doing'.

Verbs can show 'being' and 'having' as well as 'doing'. These are sometimes 'hidden' in contractions (I'm, she's, they've, we've).


  • Clause - a group of words that contains a verb

  • Main clause - a group of words that contains a verb and makes complete sense

  • Subordinate clause - a group of words that contains a verb and does not make complete sense

Give children opportunities to engage in quick partner talk during Checks for Understanding, so that any child can be picked to answer instead of relying on 'hands up'.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

What piece of punctuation should end this sentence? 'Where is your homework...'
full stop
Correct answer: question mark
capital letter
Which two of these groups of words could be a complete sentence?
all of a sudden
Correct answer: can you hear me
a small piece of paper
Correct answer: we ran home rapidly
Match the word class to its meaning.
Correct Answer:noun,a naming word for people, places and things

a naming word for people, places and things

Correct Answer:adjective,a word that describes a noun

a word that describes a noun

Correct Answer:verb,a doing or being word

a doing or being word

Correct Answer:adverb,a word that describes a verb

a word that describes a verb

Which word is the verb in the sentence 'Izzy walked slowly to the park'.
Correct answer: walked
Match each word in this sentence to its word class: 'Jacob dashed quickly to the local shop'.
Correct Answer:Jacob,noun


Correct Answer:dashed,verb


Correct Answer:quickly,adverb


Correct Answer:local,adjective


Correct Answer:shop,noun


Why does the word 'Laura' have a capital letter in this sentence? 'Sam gave Laura a brand new football'.
It is at the start of a sentence.
Correct answer: It is a proper noun - the name of a specific person.
It is a common noun - a naming word.
It is an adjective.

6 Questions

What must a clause contain?
an adjective
Correct answer: a verb
an adverb
a phrase
Which two of these are main clauses?
just then
Correct answer: a vast bat flew past
a tiny, wooden boat
Correct answer: Andeep smiled happily
Match the term to its meaning.
Correct Answer:clause,a group of words that contains a verb

a group of words that contains a verb

Correct Answer:main clause,a group of words with a verb that makes complete sense

a group of words with a verb that makes complete sense

Correct Answer:subordinate clause,a group of words with a verb that doesn't make sense

a group of words with a verb that doesn't make sense

Which two of these are subordinate clauses?
Correct answer: as the sun rose slowly in the east
I rolled sleepily out of bed
Aisha tiptoed across the damp grass
Correct answer: so no-one would notice she had gone
Which two elements does a complex sentence have to contain?
Correct answer: a main clause
a phrase
Correct answer: a subordinate clause
an adjective
Make three complex sentences by matching the subordinate clauses to the main clauses.
Correct Answer:Because it was sunny,,I wore sunglasses.

I wore sunglasses.

Correct Answer:When it was lunchtime,,we ran onto the playground.

we ran onto the playground.

Correct Answer:As the sun set,,Jacob got ready for bed.

Jacob got ready for bed.