Year 5

Editing the diet section of a non-chronological report about tigers

I can edit a section of a non-chronological report.

Year 5

Editing the diet section of a non-chronological report about tigers

I can edit a section of a non-chronological report.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Editing is an essential part of the writing process.
  2. Editing does not involve rewriting the entire piece but is about being selective about what to edit and improve.
  3. Punctuation, sentence structure, grammar, vocabulary precision and spelling can all be edited.
  4. The purpose of editing is to ensure the text meets its text purpose.

Common misconception

Pupils may find it difficult to know what to do for highest quality editing.

Each learning cycle identifies key areas to edit and provides isolated models of editing punctuation, sentence structure and vocabulary.


  • Editing - the process of improving writing to improve text flow and overall quality

  • Grammar - the set of rules that govern a language

  • Punctuation - a set of standardised symbols and marks used in written language to structure sentences

  • Sentence structure - the way words are arranged and organised within sentences to convey meaning

  • Vocabulary - the language choices made by the writer

Give pupils a set time limit when editing each aspect of the writing. It may be useful for pupils to peer-edit each other's writing.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Select the correct definition of 'diet'.
where an animal lives
special features an animal has to help it survive
Correct answer: what an animal eats
'Text cohesion' refers to which one of these?
the language choices made by the writer
Correct answer: how the writing flows, meets its purpose and keeps the reader engaged
the text's purpose
Order the stages of the writing process.
1 - plan
2 - draft
3 - write
4 - edit
Select three functions of commas.
They tell a reader when to pause.
Correct answer: They separate items in a list.
Correct answer: They can separate a main clause from a subordinate clause.
They mark the end of a question.
Correct answer: They follow a fronted adverbial.
Select the relative pronouns.
Correct answer: who
Correct answer: which
Select the sentence that uses commas correctly.
Fascinatingly, tigers which are carnivores eat deer, birds, fish and boar.
Correct answer: Fascinatingly, tigers, which are carnivores, eat deer, birds, fish and boar.
Fascinatingly, tigers which are carnivores, eat deer birds fish and boar.
Fascinatingly tigers, which are carnivores, eat deer birds fish and boar.

6 Questions

Which of these does high quality editing do?
rewrites the full piece of writing
only corrects spelling mistakes
Correct answer: is selective about which language, punctuation, spelling and grammar to improve
Match the keywords to their definitions.
Correct Answer:editing,improving writing to improve text flow and quality

improving writing to improve text flow and quality

Correct Answer:grammar,the set of rules that govern a language

the set of rules that govern a language

Correct Answer:punctuation,symbols used in written language to structure sentences

symbols used in written language to structure sentences

Correct Answer:sentence structure,how words are organised in a sentence to convey meaning

how words are organised in a sentence to convey meaning

Correct Answer:vocabulary,language choices made by the writer

language choices made by the writer

When editing punctuation, which of these do we check?
Correct answer: capital letters
Correct answer: full stops
Correct answer: commas
Correct answer: apostrophes
When editing sentence structure, which of these do we check for?
appropriate vocabulary choices
Correct answer: missing words
Correct answer: sentences that make sense
correct use of apostrophes
Correct answer: how the writing flows when we read it back
When editing vocabulary and spelling, which of these do we check for?
Correct answer: repetition of words and phrases
a range of sentence types
Correct answer: spelling mistakes
Correct answer: appropriate relative pronouns
quality of handwriting
Which of these is the correct spelling?
Correct answer: carnivore