Year 5

Identifying the features of a non-chronological report in preparation for writing about tigers

I can identify the features of a non-chronological report.

Year 5

Identifying the features of a non-chronological report in preparation for writing about tigers

I can identify the features of a non-chronological report.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A non-chronological report is a type of non-fiction text.
  2. The purpose of a non-chronological report is to inform the reader about a particular subject.
  3. Information in a non-chronological report is organised using a title, subheadings and paragraphs.
  4. Linguistic features help to introduce, link and bring to life specific, factual information.

Common misconception

Pupils think that non-chronological reports can be informal.

Identify key linguistic features, such as subject-specific vocabulary and fronted adverbials, which contribute to formal tone.


  • Non-chronological report - a non-fiction text that informs about a subject or event and that is written out of time order

  • Purpose - the aim of a text

  • Audience - the person or people who read a text

  • Language - the type of words and tone used in a text

  • Layout - the way a text is structured

Use actions such as those shown in the video to support pupils' understanding of the different functions of different types of fronted adverbials.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

What type of information is found in non-fiction texts?
Correct answer: factual
Correct answer: subject-specific
Which of these is not an example of a non-fiction text?
a newspaper report about the Titanic sinking
a biography about Emmeline Pankhurst
Correct answer: a narrative story about a dragon
a non-chronological report about Anglo-Saxons
What is the language of a text?
the reason a text is written
Correct answer: the type of words chosen in a text
the person or people who read a text
Match the term to its meaning.
Correct Answer:purpose,why the text was written

why the text was written

Correct Answer:audience,who the text was written for

who the text was written for

Correct Answer:language,language choice and tone

language choice and tone

Correct Answer:layout,how information is presented

how information is presented

Which of these is not a feature of a non-chronological report?
Correct answer: dialogue
formal tone
Match the layout feature to its purpose.
Correct Answer:title,the name of a text

the name of a text

Correct Answer:subheading,a word, phrase or sentence used to introduce part of a text

a word, phrase or sentence used to introduce part of a text

Correct Answer:paragraph,a section of a piece of writing indicated by a new line

a section of a piece of writing indicated by a new line

6 Questions

Match the sections of a non-chronological report to their purpose.
Correct Answer:introduction,the first paragraph of a non-fiction text

the first paragraph of a non-fiction text

Correct Answer:sections,paragraphs of information related to an aspect of the topic

paragraphs of information related to an aspect of the topic

Correct Answer:conclusion,the final paragraph of a non-fiction text

the final paragraph of a non-fiction text

The final paragraph of a non-chronological report is called the...
Correct answer: conclusion
section two
section one
A fronted adverbial is...
vocabulary used when writing about a particular subject.
Correct answer: a sentence starter followed by a comma.
a sentence that includes direct speech.
Match each type of fronted adverbial to its definition.
Correct Answer:formal fronted adverbial,a sentence starter followed by a comma that's formal in tone

a sentence starter followed by a comma that's formal in tone

Correct Answer:fronted adverbial of cause,a sentence starter that explains cause and effect

a sentence starter that explains cause and effect

Correct Answer:viewpoint fronted adverbial,a sentence starter that gives the writer’s point of view

a sentence starter that gives the writer’s point of view

Which of these fronted adverbials is not suitable for a non-chronological report?
As a result,
Correct answer: Suddenly,
Which order should these sentences be written in?
1 - Crocodiles have highly-adapted bodies which help them swim quickly when hunting.
2 - In addition, their razor-sharp teeth enable them to eat their prey easily.

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