Year 5

Planning the introduction of a non-chronological report about tigers

I can plan the introduction of a non-chronological report about tigers.

Year 5

Planning the introduction of a non-chronological report about tigers

I can plan the introduction of a non-chronological report about tigers.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The introduction provides general information and outlines the structure of the full report.
  2. Parenthesis (additional information) can be conveyed using brackets.
  3. Linking sentences at the end of our paragraphs create text cohesion.
  4. Using a plan helps us have more successful writing outcomes

Common misconception

Pupils want to include specific facts in the introduction.

Use a 'general' and 'specific' visual during the lesson and the tasks to support pupils' understanding of the difference between the two.


  • Introduction - the first paragraph of a non-fiction text that encourages the reader to read on

  • General information - the most basic and necessary information

  • Purpose - the aim of the text

  • Linguistic features - types of words and language that a writer chooses carefully

Give pupils lots of opportunities for paired discussion during the planning process to allow for variation in pupils' planning outcomes.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

'Habitat' is...
Correct answer: where an animal lives.
features that animals and plants develop to help them survive where they live.
the food an animal eats.
Fill in the blank: Tigers are most commonly found in India, which is part of the continent of __________.
Correct answer: Asia
North America
South America
Match the subject-specific vocabulary to its definition.
Correct Answer:nocturnal,an animal that sleeps during the day but is active at night

an animal that sleeps during the day but is active at night

Correct Answer:carnivore,an animal that eats only meat

an animal that eats only meat

Correct Answer:mammal,warm-blooded animals that feed their young with milk

warm-blooded animals that feed their young with milk

Correct Answer:Felidae,the scientific name for the 'cat' family

the scientific name for the 'cat' family

Which four of these environments do tigers live in?
Correct answer: grasslands
Correct answer: mangrove swamps
Correct answer: savannas
Correct answer: tropical rainforests
Tigers create dens in caves, hollow trees, long grasses and __________.
Correct answer: crevices
sand dunes
Match the terms to the definitions.
Correct Answer:adaptations,features that animals and plants develop to help survival

features that animals and plants develop to help survival

Correct Answer:habitat,where an animal lives

where an animal lives

Correct Answer:diet,the food an animal eats

the food an animal eats

Correct Answer:subject-specific vocabulary,words and phrases about the subject of the report

words and phrases about the subject of the report

6 Questions

Match the sections of a non-chronological report to their purpose.
Correct Answer:introduction,the first paragraph that encourages the reader to read on

the first paragraph that encourages the reader to read on

Correct Answer:sections,paragraphs of information about an aspect of the subject

paragraphs of information about an aspect of the subject

Correct Answer:conclusion,the final paragraph of a non-fiction text

the final paragraph of a non-fiction text

Information shared in the introduction should be...
Correct answer: general.
Match each feature of the introduction to its purpose.
Correct Answer:introductory sentence,introduces what the report will be about

introduces what the report will be about

Correct Answer:general information,gives the reader some necessary information about the topic

gives the reader some necessary information about the topic

Correct Answer:linking sentence,links on to the next paragraph

links on to the next paragraph

Order the parts of an introduction.
1 - introductory sentence
2 - general information
3 - linking sentence
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
Which of these facts would not be found in the introduction of a non-chronological report?
Tigers are carnivores.
Correct answer: Tigers create dens in crevices, caves, hollow trees and long grass.
Tigers are found in Asia.
Correct answer: Tigers have powerful jaws that are used to bite and kill prey.
Which of the following should be included in a plan?
Correct answer: ideas written in note form
full sentences with capital letters and full stops
Correct answer: bullet points