Year 5

Planning the conclusion of a non-chronological report about aye-ayes

I can plan the conclusion of a non-chronological report about aye-ayes.

Year 5

Planning the conclusion of a non-chronological report about aye-ayes

I can plan the conclusion of a non-chronological report about aye-ayes.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The conclusion is the final paragraph of a non-chronological report.
  2. Information in the conclusion should be general.
  3. Writers can use a range of cohesive devices to enhance text flow and keep the reader engaged.
  4. Effective planning leads to successful writing outcomes.

Common misconception

Pupils want to add additional information about aye-ayes' diets or adaptations to the conclusion.

Information in the conclusion must be kept general and must summarise the rest of the report.


  • Conclusion - the closing paragraph of a non-fiction text

  • General information - the most basic and necessary information

  • Purpose - the aim of the text

  • Cohesive devices - language structures that develop text cohesion

Pupils can write notes for a sentence in the future tense for how to best protect aye-ayes going forwards.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which of these is not a feature of a non-chronological report?
Correct answer: quotes paragraph
The first paragraph of a non-chronological report is called the...
second section.
first section.
Correct answer: introduction.
Match each term to its definition:
Correct Answer:linguistic features,types of words and language that a writer chooses carefully

types of words and language that a writer chooses carefully

Correct Answer:subject-specific vocabulary,words and phrases about the subject of the report

words and phrases about the subject of the report

Correct Answer:fronted adverbials,a sentence starter followed by a comma

a sentence starter followed by a comma

Match each type of fronted adverbial to its definition:
Correct Answer:formal fronted adverbial,a sentence starter followed by a comma that's formal in tone

a sentence starter followed by a comma that's formal in tone

Correct Answer:fronted adverbial of cause,a sentence starter that explains cause and effect

a sentence starter that explains cause and effect

Correct Answer:viewpoint fronted adverbial,a sentence starter that give the writer’s point of view

a sentence starter that give the writer’s point of view

Match each term to the correct definition:
Correct Answer:cause,brings about another event or action

brings about another event or action

Correct Answer:effect,happens because of another event or action

happens because of another event or action

'As a result,' and 'Consequently,' are examples of which type of fronted adverbial?
formal fronted adverbials
Correct answer: fronted adverbials of cause
viewpoint fronted adverbials

6 Questions

The conclusion is...
the first paragraph that encourages the reader to read on.
paragraphs of specific information related to an aspect of the subject.
Correct answer: the last paragraph that summarises the key information of the text.
Order the parts of our non-chronological report about aye-ayes:
1 - Introduction
2 - Diet
3 - Adaptations
4 - Conclusion
Match the parts of a non-chronological report to their purposes:
Correct Answer:introduction,the first paragraph that encourages the reader to read on

the first paragraph that encourages the reader to read on

Correct Answer:sections,specific information related to an aspect of the topic

specific information related to an aspect of the topic

Correct Answer:conclusion,the last paragraph that summarises the key information

the last paragraph that summarises the key information

A plan should include
Correct answer: notes
Correct answer: subject-specific vocabulary
Correct answer: bullet points
Which information is appropriate to include in the conclusion?
aye-ayes have continuously growing incisors
Correct answer: aye-ayes are currently endangered
aye-ayes eat grubs, nuts, nectar and fruit
Match each cohesive device to its example:
Correct Answer:fronted adverbial,Consequently,


Correct Answer:subject-specific vocabulary,endangered


Correct Answer:relative clause,which face rapid population decline

which face rapid population decline

Correct Answer:brackets for parenthesis,(cutting down of trees)

(cutting down of trees)