Year 5

Writing the diet section of a non-chronological report about aye-ayes

I can use my plan to write the diet section of a non-chronological report about aye-ayes.

Year 5

Writing the diet section of a non-chronological report about aye-ayes

I can use my plan to write the diet section of a non-chronological report about aye-ayes.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A section of a non-chronological report contains specific information for the reader.
  2. Writers can use a range of cohesive devices to ensure their sentences flow and the text’s purpose is achieved.
  3. The diet section includes an introductory sentence, followed by specific information, then a linking sentence.
  4. We can use success criteria to help us identify what a successful piece of writing includes.
  5. The writing process involves planning, drafting, editing and publishing.

Common misconception

Pupils include relative clauses that include information that is not relevant to the main clause.

Task A and the quizzes specifically address the issue of relevance when selecting a relative clause.


  • Paragraph - a section of a piece of writing that is indicated by a new line and an indentation.

  • Specific information - clear, exact and particular information

  • Relative complex sentence - a sentence formed of a main clause and a relative subordinate clause

  • Text cohesion - refers to how text flows to maintain the interest of the reader and achieve the text’s purpose

  • Diet - the food that an animal eats

Encourage pupils to say their sentences aloud to themselves and their partner ahead of writing them down to ensure they make sense and to develop oracy skills.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Information in the diet section should be...
Correct answer: specific.
Order the parts of a section paragraph.
1 - introductory sentence
2 - specific information written in coherent sentences
3 - linking sentence
Match the cohesive device to its definition:
Correct Answer:fronted adverbial,a sentence starter followed by a comma

a sentence starter followed by a comma

Correct Answer:subject-specific vocabulary,vocabulary used when writing about a particular subject

vocabulary used when writing about a particular subject

Correct Answer:relative complex sentences,a sentence formed of a main clause and a relative clause

a sentence formed of a main clause and a relative clause

Tick the correct definition of a relative pronoun:
Correct answer: a word that starts a relative clause like 'who' or 'which'
a sentence formed of a main clause and a relative clause
a word which describes a noun
Which relative pronoun should be used at the start of relative clauses about aye-ayes?
Correct answer: which
Which of these relative clauses is most suitable to add to this main clause: 'Aye-ayes, __________, eat both animals and plants.'
which are nocturnal
which have long, slender fingers
Correct answer: which are omnivores
which live in Madagascar
which have dark fur

6 Questions

Which of these scaffolds correctly represents a fronted adverbial?
_____, _____, _____.
Correct answer: _____, __________.
Which of these fronted adverbials might be found in a non-chronological report?
In a flash,
Correct answer: As a result of this,
Correct answer: Despite this,
At midnight,
Correct answer: Of significant interest,
Tick the relative clause.
as they hunt
due to their highly-adapted hearing
Correct answer: which are one of the aye aye's staple foods
aye-ayes eats grubs
Match the terms to their definitions:
Correct Answer:singular ,one


Correct Answer:plural,more than one

more than one

Put the stages of the writing process in the correct order.
1 - plan
2 - draft
3 - edit
4 - publish
Which of these sentences uses the plural possessive apostrophe correctly?
Aye-aye's diets include grubs.
Correct answer: Aye-ayes' diets include grubs.
Aye-ayes diets include grub's.