Year 3

Writing the build-up of ‘The BFG’ (part two)

I can write the second part of a narrative build-up based on ‘The BFG’.

Year 3

Writing the build-up of ‘The BFG’ (part two)

I can write the second part of a narrative build-up based on ‘The BFG’.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The purpose of the build-up is to build tension and suspense.
  2. Saying sentences aloud before they are written helps to check for sense.
  3. Using the full range of sentence types (simple, compound and complex) improves text flow for the reader.
  4. Fronted adverbials of time, place and manner describe the action in the main clause in further detail.
  5. 'Show-not-tell' language shows a character’s feelings by describing their actions, body language and facial expressions.

Common misconception

Pupils may find it difficult to remember the comma rule in a complex sentence.

Commas are only needed in a complex sentence when the subordinate clause comes first. Remind pupils that if the subordinate clause comes second, they do not need a comma before the subordinating conjunction.


  • Text flow - how a text is written to keep the reader engaged

  • 'show-not-tell' - shows a character’s feelings by describing their actions, body language and facial expressions

  • Complex sentence - a sentence formed of at least one main clause and a subordinate clause

  • Fronted adverbial - a sentence starter followed by a comma

Pupils should be given lots of opportunities to say sentences aloud or to write sentences on whiteboards, using the notes from their plan ahead of writing.
Teacher tip


You will need access to the 1989 film version of 'The BFG' for this lesson.


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6 Questions

Put the three key moments of the second part of the build-up in chronological order.
1 - The figure removed potion from a suitcase and he blew it out of his trumpet.
2 - The figure turned towards Sophie and she ran to her bed.
3 - Sophie hid under her covers as the giant's hand grabbed her.
Choose an appropriate fronted adverbial to start the following sentence: '__________ the girl sprinted across the room.'
Correct answer: Like a lightning bolt,
In the morning,
Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
Slowly the figure twirled his long, golden trumpet.
Correct answer: Slowly, the figure twirled his long, golden trumpet.
Slowly the figure, twirled his long, golden trumpet.
Slowly, the figure twirled, his long, golden trumpet.
Which of these nouns must start with a capital letter?
Correct answer: sophie
Which is the adverbial phrase in the following sentence? 'In shock, Sophie leaned out of the window.'
Correct answer: In shock,
Match each word class to its example.
Correct Answer:noun,potion


Correct Answer:adjective,brightest


Correct Answer:verb,bulged


Correct Answer:adverb,rapidly


6 Questions

What is the purpose of the build-up?
to introduce the characters and setting
Correct answer: to build up excitement and suspense
to bring the story to a close
to describe the main action
True or false? If a scene builds up suspense, it makes the viewer feel sad.
Correct Answer: false, False
A sentence is formed of a main clause and a subordinate clause joined by a subordinating conjunction.
Correct Answer: complex, Complex
Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
Correct answer: The girl gasped when she saw the figure staring at her.
The girl gasped, when she saw the figure staring at her.
The girl gasped, when she saw, the figure staring at her.
The girl gasped when she saw, the figure staring at her.
Match each sentence type to its example.
Correct Answer:simple,Her legs began to tremble.

Her legs began to tremble.

Correct Answer:compound,Her breathing quickened and she stifled a scream.

Her breathing quickened and she stifled a scream.

Correct Answer:complex,As she hid under the covers, her heart pounded in her chest.

As she hid under the covers, her heart pounded in her chest.

Which sentence is written in the past tense?
Her legs are shaking as she runs across the room.
Correct answer: Her legs were shaking as she ran across the room.
Her legs shake as she is running across the room.
Her legs were shaking as she runs across the room.