Year 6

Generating ideas for the diary entries of a Windrush passenger

I can empathise with a Windrush passenger at different points in their journey, describing my feelings at each point.

Year 6

Generating ideas for the diary entries of a Windrush passenger

I can empathise with a Windrush passenger at different points in their journey, describing my feelings at each point.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Knowing the events we are going to retell really well before we write frees up our brain to focus on writing.
  2. Using a text map to tell the events of a story is a great way of embedding these events in our memory.
  3. In a diary, we are writing about our experiences and feelings in the past and present.
  4. To write a diary in role as another person, we need to try and empathise with that person.
  5. Role-play and drama are good ways of trying to empathise with a person and consider their emotions.

Common misconception

Pupils may not take drama activities seriously or may give only surface-level responses.

Model the standard of response you expect and clarify expectations; remind pupils that we are empathising with real people and we should respect their experiences. Constantly showcase good examples from the class.


  • Text map - a visual representation of a series of events, where pictures represent events; it can be used to orally rehearse events to embed them in our memory

  • Diary - a book in which you keep a record of events, experiences and feelings

  • Empathy - the ability to understand other people’s feelings and points of view

If space for drama activities is limited, you could choose to hot-seat the character of Celia instead during the first part of the lesson, initially taking on the role yourself before handing over to other pupils.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

Where was Celia's final destination on the Empire Windrush?
Correct answer: Tilbury, near London
Kingston, Jamaica
In our story, when Celia sees the advert, what is disappointing for her?
the fact that the ship is coming so soon
the fact that the ship is going to the UK
Correct answer: the fact that the ticket will be too expensive
Which family member tried to persuade Celia not to go on the Empire Windrush?
her sister
her mother
Correct answer: her uncle
her father
What worrying rumour did Celia hear on the ship?
that they would not be allowed to stay in England
Correct answer: that she might not be able to teach in England
that England was very cold
Who greeted the Windrush immigrants off the boat?
Correct answer: journalists and photographers
local people
members of the royal family
Where did Celia have to stay on arrival in the UK?
in a local person's home
in an army barracks
on a train track
Correct answer: in an underground air-raid shelter

6 Questions

Which of the following features are common in a diary?
written for others to read
Correct answer: written with no intended reader
Correct answer: written in the first person (I, me)
written in the third person (he, she, it, they)
When we empathise with a person, what are we doing?
saying exactly what they would say
experiencing the same things they experienced
Correct answer: imagining ourselves in their position
Which word has a similar meaning to 'want'?
Correct answer: yearn
Which words below have the most positive meanings?
Correct answer: exhilarated
Correct answer: optimistic
Which thought might relate to Celia's feelings as she rode the train through London?
I can't believe so many people have turned us away!
Correct answer: What a lot of damage there still is!
What on earth was I going to do for work?
When might Celia have had this thought? 'I can't believe I came all this way to be stuck down here. What a day!'
as she looked for a room
Correct answer: as she sat in the shelter
as she got off the ship
as she boarded the ship