Year 3

Exploring character relationships in 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'

I can discuss the relationship between Lila and Lalchand.

Year 3

Exploring character relationships in 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'

I can discuss the relationship between Lila and Lalchand.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Using inference can help us to draw greater conclusions about Lila and Lalchand's relationship.
  2. The relationship between Lila and Lalchand is central to the plot.
  3. Lila and Lalchand have conflicting views on her future.
  4. Lalchand's views are stereotypical of traditional ideas around the role that girls and women should play.
  5. Lila's desires challenge stereotypes for girls and she defies her father in pursuit of her dreams.

Common misconception

Children may find it difficult to understand the concept of a stereotype.

Explore stereotypes for the traditional roles played by women and men. Ask children to compare this to the roles they see men and women playing today.


  • Conflicting - in disagreement or opposition

  • Stereotype - a generalised and often unfair or untrue belief about a particular group of people or things

  • Defy - openly resist or refuse to obey

  • Inference - to draw conclusions from clues within the text

Explore the concept of challenging stereotypes in greater detail and look at how this can create positive change even when it is not approved of. Create opportunities for children to make links to prior learning. E.g. suffragettes.
Teacher tip


You will need a copy of the 2018 Penguin Random House UK edition of ‘The Firework Maker's Daughter' by Philip Pullman for this lesson.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour


Adult supervision recommended


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

What kind of text is 'The Firework-Maker's Daughter'?
Correct answer: a quest narrative
an information text
a poem
What is the name of the author of 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'?
Correct Answer: Philip Pullman, philip pullman
What is the name of the main character in the story?
Correct answer: Lila
What is the name of Lila's father?
Correct answer: Lalchand
What do Lila and Lalchand disagree on?
Correct answer: what Lila's future should look like
who Lila should be friends with
which firework is the best
How did Chapter 1 of 'The Firework-Maker's Daughter' end?
Lalchand and Lila had a fight about her future.
Lalchand agreed to let Lila become a firework-maker.
Correct answer: Lalchand told Chulak the secret to firework-making.

6 Questions

Complete the following sentence: Lila and Lalchand's relationship is ...
not very important.
Correct answer: central to the plot of the story.
What does conflicting mean?
in agreement with one another
Correct answer: in disagreement or opposition to one another
similar to one another
Why doesn't Lalchand want Lila to be a firework-maker?
He wants to be the only firework-maker.
Correct answer: He doesn't think it is an appropriate job for a girl.
He thinks her mother wouldn't have approved.
What does stereotype mean?
a religious belief
Correct answer: a generalised & often unfair belief about a certain group of people or things.
the right way to do something
How did Lila respond to her father's views?
She did what he said but felt sad.
She convinced him to change his mind.
Correct answer: She defied him and challenged the stereotype.
How can we draw greater conclusions about Lila and Lalchand's relationship?
Retrieve the exact words they said to one another.
Summarise what has happened so far.
Correct answer: Use clues within the text to make inferences.