Year 4

Publishing a piece of narrative writing based on 'The Happy Prince'

I can publish a piece of narrative writing based on ‘The Happy Prince’.

Year 4

Publishing a piece of narrative writing based on 'The Happy Prince'

I can publish a piece of narrative writing based on ‘The Happy Prince’.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A published piece of writing should be visually and linguistically appealing to the reader.
  2. Neat, joined handwriting is important when publishing a piece of writing.
  3. A piece of published writing is the final, best version that becomes available to others.
  4. Illustrations provide visual representations of the characters, settings and events described in the text.
  5. Illustrations can bring the world of the story to life and make it more vivid in the reader's mind.

Common misconception

Pupils think they need to use new ideas when publishing their writing.

Pupils should use the sections they have written in previous lessons that have been planned, drafted and edited.


  • Publishing - producing a final, best version that becomes available to others

  • Layout - the way information is organised on the page

  • Paragraph - a distinct section of a piece of writing, indicated by a new line and an indentation

  • Illustrations - visual representations of the characters, settings, and events described in a text

Model how to draw the key moment from 'The Happy Prince' under a visualiser or on an interactive whiteboard. You could also support pupils' drawing process by showing them illustrations from various book versions of the original story.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Order these sections of a narrative in chronological order.
1 - opening
2 - build-up
3 - climax
4 - resolution
Who are the main characters of 'The Happy Prince'?
the matchstick girl
Correct answer: the prince
the sick boy
Correct answer: the bird
the young writer
Select three key moments from 'The Happy Prince'.
Correct answer: The prince cries to the bird.
The bird flaps its wings.
The girl drops her matches.
Correct answer: The prince and the bird are thrown in the furnace.
Correct answer: The prince and the bird die.
Select the correct spelling.
Correct answer: weaker
What is the definition of an illustrator?
someone who writes a book
someone who takes photographs
Correct answer: someone who creates the pictures for a book
someone who builds statues
In which section of the narrative would you find this sentence? 'Above the vast city, a golden statue stood proudly.'
Correct answer: opening

6 Questions

'It is important to use neat, joined handwriting when publishing.' Is this true or false?
Correct Answer: true, True
Order these sections of a narrative in chronological order.
1 - opening
2 - build-up
3 - climax
4 - resolution
Which of the following are true about an illustration?
Correct answer: they help readers to better imagine and engage with the story
they are nothing to do with the story
Correct answer: they can convey emotions and moods
they are created with a camera
Select the correct spelling.
Correct answer: whispered
Which of the following would be found in a piece of narrative writing?
Correct answer: range of sentence types
Correct answer: figurative language
Correct answer: direct speech
Which sentence would be found in a piece of narrative writing?
In addition, the temperatures dropped.
Correct answer: The icy wings ripped through the air like a sharp knife.
It was about -7°.
I was really, really cold!