Year 4

Writing the build-up of 'The Happy Prince'

I can write the build-up of 'The Happy Prince'.

Year 4

Writing the build-up of 'The Happy Prince'

I can write the build-up of 'The Happy Prince'.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Direct speech is punctuated using inverted commas. Dialogue moves the action forward.
  2. Notes from a plan are used to form full sentences.
  3. A range of sentence types (simple, compound and complex) improves text flow for the reader.
  4. A relative complex sentence is formed of a main clause that is interrupted by a relative clause.
  5. Singular possession is shown by use of an apostrophe.

Common misconception

Pupils may struggle with how to apply the comma rule in a relative complex sentence.

Provide a visual scaffold of a relative complex sentence. Ask children to identify the relative pronoun that begins the relative clause and ensure that the visual highlights the comma rule.


  • Text flow - how a text is written to keep the reader engaged

  • Apostrophe for possession - a punctuation mark used to show if a noun belongs to another noun

  • Relative clause - a type of subordinate clause that starts with a relative pronoun

  • Direct speech - shows that a character is speaking out loud in a text

Refer to the Year 4 Grammar unit 'Apostrophes and speech punctuation' to support pupils with writing direct speech correctly and using apostrophes for possession accurately.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which sentence is written in the past tense?
Correct answer: The bird quickly soared through the city.
The bird quickly soars through the city.
The bird will quickly soar through the city.
The bird is quickly soaring through the city.
You can copy out the notes from your plan exactly as they are.
Correct Answer: false, False
Which of the following is a simple sentence?
The prince explained the seamstress' situation and the bird listened quietly.
Correct answer: The prince explained the sad seamstress' situation to the bird.
As the prince explained the seamstress' situation, the bird listened quietly.
The prince explained the seamstress' situation as the bird listened quietly.
Order the four key moments of the build-up chronologically.
1 - The prince tells the bird about the poor seamstress and her unwell son.
2 - The bird gives the red jewel to the mother and this helps the boy feel better.
3 - The prince sacrifices his own well-being to help others in the city.
4 - The bird is worried abut the prince and he refuses to leave him alone.
What is the name of the punctuation mark used in direct speech to indicate when the words being spoken start and finish?
exclamation mark
Correct answer: inverted commas
question mark
full stop
What is an adverbial complex sentence?
a sentence formed of two main clauses
Correct answer: a sentence formed of one main clause and an adverbial subordinate clause
a sentence formed of two main clauses joined by a co-ordinating conjunction

6 Questions

Fill in the missing word: The __________ is the section of a story where the writer develops the main characters and builds up the excitement. It is often a very tense section.
Correct answer: build-up
True or false? 'A complex sentence is a sentence consisting of a main clause and a subordinate clause.'
Correct Answer: true, True
Which of these relative complex sentences is punctuated correctly?
The seamstress who was very poor, was unable to help her son.
Correct answer: The seamstress, who was very poor, was unable to help her son.
The seamstress who was very poor was unable to help her son.
The seamstress, who was very poor was unable to help, her son.
Which direct speech sentence is correctly punctuated?
The prince demanded, Take out my eye!''
Correct answer: The prince demanded, ''Take out my eye!''
The prince demanded, ''take out my eye!''
The prince demanded, ''Take out my eye!
True or false? This direct speech sentence is correctly punctuated: the selfless prince exclaimed ''Another girl needs our help!''
Correct Answer: false, False
Which noun phrase uses an apostrophe for possession correctly?
the sad seamstress's house
Correct answer: the sad seamstress' house
the sad seamstres's house
the sad seamstr'ess house

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