Year 4

Writing the resolution of 'The Happy Prince'

I can write the resolution of 'The Happy Prince'.

Year 4

Writing the resolution of 'The Happy Prince'

I can write the resolution of 'The Happy Prince'.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Notes from our plan are used to form full sentences.
  2. A range of sentence types (simple, compound and complex) improves text flow for the reader.
  3. A relative complex sentence is formed of a main clause that can be interrupted by a relative clause.
  4. Direct speech is punctuated using inverted commas. Dialogue moves the action forward.
  5. Paragraphs are used to indicate the start of a new idea or key moment.

Common misconception

Pupils may struggle with how to apply the comma rule in a relative complex sentence.

Provide a visual scaffold of a relative complex sentence. Ask children to identify the relative pronoun that begins the relative clause and ensure that the visual highlights the comma rule.


  • Text flow - how a text is written to keep the reader engaged

  • Paragraph - a distinct section of a piece of writing, indicated by a new line and an indentation

  • Direct speech - shows that a character is speaking out loud in a text

  • Complex sentence - a sentence formed of a main clause and a subordinate clause

Give pupils an opportunity to practise writing direct speech as part of a complex sentence on mini-whiteboards ahead of Task B in order to address any misconceptions.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which sentences are written in the past tense?
Correct answer: The man was strolling through the quiet city.
The man is strolling through the quiet city.
Correct answer: The man strolled through the quiet city.
The man will be strolling through the quiet city.
You can copy out the notes from your plan exactly as they are.
Correct Answer: false, False
What is the name of the punctuation mark used in direct speech to indicate when the words being spoken start and finish?
exclamation mark
Correct answer: inverted commas
question mark
Order the four key moments of the resolution chronologically.
1 - An important man notices the prince is looking unhappy and shabby.
2 - He orders the statue to be removed immediately.
3 - The prince and the bird are thrown into a furnace.
4 - God asks Bird and Prince to look after the city’s people together.
What is an adverbial complex sentence?
a sentence formed of two main clauses
Correct answer: a sentence formed of one main clause and an adverbial subordinate clause
a sentence formed of two main clauses joined by a co-ordinating conjunction
Which of the following are relative pronouns?
Correct answer: which
Correct answer: who

6 Questions

Which of the following is an adverbial complex sentence?
The prince’s heart turned to ash and the bird’s body turned to dust.
Correct answer: The prince’s heart turned to ash as the bird’s body turned to dust.
The prince’s heart turned to ash.
The prince’s heart turned to ash, but the bird’s body turned to dust.
Match the word class to its example.
Correct Answer:verb,inspected


Correct Answer:adverb,joyfully


Correct Answer:adjective,dishevelled


Correct Answer:noun,statue


Fill in the missing word: 'You can start a new __________ to signal the start of a new idea or key moment.
Correct Answer: paragraph, Paragraph
Which of these relative complex sentences is punctuated correctly?
The statue which had a lifeless bird on it had lost its jewels.
The statue, which had a lifeless bird on it had lost its jewels.
Correct answer: The statue, which had a lifeless bird on it, had lost its jewels.
The statue, which, had a lifeless bird on it had lost its jewels.
Which direct speech sentence is correctly punctuated?
take the statue down immediately!'' ordered the man.
''Take the statue down immediately'' ordered the man.
''Take the statue down immediately! ordered the man.
Correct answer: ''Take the statue down immediately!'' ordered the man.
True or false? This direct speech sentence is correctly punctuated: the shocked man exclaimed ''the Happy Prince doesn’t look happy at all!''
Correct Answer: false, False

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