Year 5

Editing the build-up of 'The Highwayman'

I can edit the build-up of my narrative writing.

Year 5

Editing the build-up of 'The Highwayman'

I can edit the build-up of my narrative writing.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Editing is a vital element of the writing process.
  2. When editing, we must be selective about which parts of our writing to improve.
  3. When editing, we can focus on punctuation, sentence structure, vocabulary and spelling.

Common misconception

Pupils may find it difficult to identify which elements of their writing to edit.

Learning cycles explicitly model how to edit different aspects of writing.


  • Editing - the process of improving writing to improve text flow and overall quality

  • Grammar - the set of rules that govern a language

  • Punctuation - a set of standardised symbols and marks used in written language to structure sentences

  • Sentence structure - the way that words are arranged within sentences to convey meaning

  • Vocabulary - the language choices made by a writer

Having pupils peer-edit each other's work may lead to a more thorough editing process.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Match the terms to their definitions:
Correct Answer:adverbial detail,explains when, where or how something happened

explains when, where or how something happened

Correct Answer:show-not-tell,conveys characters' feelings through their actions and gestures

conveys characters' feelings through their actions and gestures

Correct Answer:compound adjective,two hyphenated words which form one adjective

two hyphenated words which form one adjective

Correct Answer:text cohesion,the flow of a text

the flow of a text

Match the terms to their definitions:
Correct Answer:punctuation,a set of standardised symbols and marks to structure sentences

a set of standardised symbols and marks to structure sentences

Correct Answer:vocabulary,language choices made by a writer

language choices made by a writer

Correct Answer:sentence structure,how words are arranged within sentences to convey meaning

how words are arranged within sentences to convey meaning

Select the sentence that uses apostrophes for singular possession correctly.
The mans' heart sank.
The mans heart sank.
Correct answer: The man's heart sank.
Select the sentence that uses apostrophes for plural possession correctly.
The stars light illuminated the sky.
Correct answer: The stars' light illuminated the sky.
The star's light illuminated the sky.
Match the fronted adverbial types to their examples:
Correct Answer:fronted adverbial of time,At that moment,

At that moment,

Correct Answer:fronted adverbial of place,At the window,

At the window,

Correct Answer:fronted adverbial of manner,With a sigh of relief,

With a sigh of relief,

Match the subordinate clauses to their examples.
Correct Answer:adverbial subordinate,as the wind howled

as the wind howled

Correct Answer:non-finite subordinate,gazing up at the window

gazing up at the window

Correct Answer:relative subordinate,who stood at the window

who stood at the window

6 Questions

Match the key words to their definitions:
Correct Answer:editing,the process of improving writing to improve text flow

the process of improving writing to improve text flow

Correct Answer:grammar,the set of rules that govern a language

the set of rules that govern a language

Correct Answer:punctuation,standardised symbols and marks used in written language

standardised symbols and marks used in written language

Correct Answer:sentence structure,how words are arranged and organised to convey meaning

how words are arranged and organised to convey meaning

Correct Answer:vocabulary,the language choices made by the writer

the language choices made by the writer

Which of these is a function of a comma?
Correct answer: to separate adjectives in an expanded noun phrase
Correct answer: after a fronted adverbial
to mark the end of a sentence
Correct answer: after a subordinate clause that comes first in a complex sentence
Correct answer: around a relative clause
Which of these are types of language choice that you would use in a narrative build-up?
Correct answer: fronted adverbials
capital letters
Correct answer: show-not-tell
Correct answer: simile
Which of these are part of the editing process?
Correct answer: selecting which parts of the writing to improve
rewriting the whole piece
only correcting mistakes
Correct answer: making edits to punctuation, grammar and sentence structure
Select the correct spelling.
Correct answer: suddenly
Select the fronted adverbials from the list:
Correct answer: At that moment,
Correct answer: Seconds later,
Correct answer: With a radiant smile,