Year 5

Planning the third part of the build-up of 'The Highwayman'

I can use my knowledge of stanzas five and six of ‘The Highwayman’ and speech punctuation to plan the third part of the build-up.

Year 5

Planning the third part of the build-up of 'The Highwayman'

I can use my knowledge of stanzas five and six of ‘The Highwayman’ and speech punctuation to plan the third part of the build-up.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The purpose of the build-up is to keep the reader engaged, increase the tension of the plot and develop the characters.
  2. Dialogue is when two or more characters are speaking in a text.
  3. Dialogue can be written in the form of speech first or speech second sentences.
  4. Show-not-tell can be used to convey a character's thoughts or emotions.

Common misconception

Pupils may find correctly punctuating speech first and speech second sentences challenging.

Use visual speech scaffolds to support pupils with correctly punctuating speech first and speech second sentences.


  • Purpose - the aim of the text

  • Dialogue - when two or more characters are speaking in a text

  • Speech first - a speech sentence that includes direct speech first before the reporting clause

  • Speech second - a speech sentence that includes direct speech second after the reporting clause

Pupils may need to be reminded and supported to give additional information to the reader in the reporting clause in the form of subordinate clauses or adverbial detail.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Fill in the gap. __________ is the term used for a person speaking out loud in a text.
Reporting clause
Speech first
Speech second
Correct answer: Direct speech
Match the punctuation symbols that can be used in speech to their names.
Correct Answer:inverted commas," "

" "

Correct Answer:comma,,


Correct Answer:question mark,?


Correct Answer:exclamation mark ,!


Match the key words to their definitions:
Correct Answer:reporting clause,tells the reader who said the speech and how

tells the reader who said the speech and how

Correct Answer:speech first,includes direct speech before the reporting clause

includes direct speech before the reporting clause

Correct Answer:speech second,includes direct speech after the reporting clause

includes direct speech after the reporting clause

Fill in the gap. __________ involves describing a character's gestures, body language and facial expressions to convey their emotions.
Direct speech
Correct answer: Show-not-tell
Reporting clause
Tick the examples of show-not-tell from the list:
he was angry
Correct answer: his heart sank
Correct answer: a smile spread across her face
Correct answer: he sighed desperately
she felt envious
Match the type of show-not-tell to its example:
Correct Answer:facial expression,he frowned

he frowned

Correct Answer:action ,she slammed the door

she slammed the door

Correct Answer:internal physical feeling,his stomach lurched

his stomach lurched

6 Questions

Match the keywords to their definitions:
Correct Answer:purpose,the aim of the text

the aim of the text

Correct Answer:dialogue,when two or more characters are speaking in a text

when two or more characters are speaking in a text

Correct Answer:speech first,includes direct speech before the reporting clause

includes direct speech before the reporting clause

Correct Answer:speech second,includes direct speech after the reporting clause

includes direct speech after the reporting clause

Fill in the gap. Stanzas five and six form __________ of our narrative writing.
the setting and character description
part one of the build-up
part two of the build-up
Correct answer: part three of the build-up
Match some of the vocabulary from stanzas five and six to their definitions:
Correct Answer:stirrups,loops for a horse rider to put their feet in

loops for a horse rider to put their feet in

Correct Answer:brand,a hot iron or poker

a hot iron or poker

Correct Answer:casement,window


Correct Answer:galloped,a horse running fast

a horse running fast

Select the correctly punctuated speech first sentence:
Correct answer: "I'll be back by tomorrow night," promised the Highwayman.
"I'll be back by tomorrow night" promised the Highwayman.
"I'll be back by tomorrow night, promised the Highwayman.
Tick the purposes of the build-up:
Correct answer: to introduce key characters and storyline
Correct answer: to keep the reader engaged
to describe the setting
Correct answer: to give clues about what will happen later in the story
to explain how a problem was resolved
Fill in the gap. __________ is spoken words between two or more people in a text.
Correct answer: Dialogue
Speech first
Reporting clause
Speech second