Year 5

Using drama to analyse the next section of 'The Highwayman'

I can use my understanding of stanza five to plan and perform a dramatisation featuring dialogue.

Year 5

Using drama to analyse the next section of 'The Highwayman'

I can use my understanding of stanza five to plan and perform a dramatisation featuring dialogue.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Drama can be a very useful tool when analysing characters in a text.
  2. Dialogue is when two or more characters are speaking in a text.
  3. When performing drama, we need to consider how intonation, facial expression and gestures enable us to convey emotions.
  4. Effective teamwork is an essential element of drama.

Common misconception

Pupils may find it challenging to put the Highwayman's words into their own.

Key unfamiliar language is explained in the previous lesson (L10) and paraphrasing the Highwayman's words is modelled in this lesson.


  • Dialogue - spoken words between two or more people in a text

  • Dramatisation - the reconstruction of a text to perform in a dramatic presentation

  • Facial expression - a form of non-verbal communication conveyed through the face to show emotions

  • Gesture - a movement that helps express an idea or meaning

  • Intonation - the rise and fall of the voice when speaking

When pupils are practising their dramatisations, select pairs to model effective intonation, facial expressions and gestures.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Match the words to their definitions:
Correct Answer:narrative poem,a poem that tells a story

a poem that tells a story

Correct Answer:build-up,introduces the storyline for some main characters and builds tension

introduces the storyline for some main characters and builds tension

Correct Answer:stanza,a part of a poem consisting of two or more lines grouped together

a part of a poem consisting of two or more lines grouped together

Correct Answer:analyse,to study something in detail to understand its meaning

to study something in detail to understand its meaning

Match the stanzas with their topics:
Correct Answer:stanza one,the setting

the setting

Correct Answer:stanza two,the Highwayman

the Highwayman

Correct Answer:stanza three,Bess


Correct Answer:stanza four,Tim


Correct Answer:stanza five,the Highwayman speaking to Bess

the Highwayman speaking to Bess

Correct Answer:stanza six,the Highwayman leaving

the Highwayman leaving

Why does stanza five include inverted commas?
because the stanza includes adjectives
because the stanza includes commas
Correct answer: because the stanza includes speech
Order the lines of stanza five:
1 - “One kiss, my bonny sweetheart, I’m after a prize tonight,
2 - But I shall be back with the yellow gold before the morning light;
3 - Yet, if they press me sharply, and harry me through the day,
4 - Then look for me by moonlight,
5 - Watch for me by moonlight,
6 - I’ll come to thee by moonlight, though hell should bar the way.”
"One kiss, my __________ sweetheart" - which adjective does the Highwayman use to describe Bess here?
Correct answer: bonny
"Then look for me by moonlight, watch for me by moonlight, I’ll come to thee by moonlight" is an example of which poetic device?
Correct answer: repetition

6 Questions

Match the key words to their definitions:
Correct Answer:dialogue,spoken words between two or more people in a text

spoken words between two or more people in a text

Correct Answer:dramatisation,the reconstruction of a text to perform in a dramatic presentation

the reconstruction of a text to perform in a dramatic presentation

Correct Answer:facial expression,a form of non-verbal communication conveyed through the face

a form of non-verbal communication conveyed through the face

Correct Answer:gestures,a movement that helps express an idea or meaning

a movement that helps express an idea or meaning

Correct Answer:intonation,the rise and fall of the voice when speaking

the rise and fall of the voice when speaking

Match some of the vocabulary from stanza five to the definitions:
Correct Answer:bonny,beautiful


Correct Answer:thee,you


Correct Answer:though hell should bar the way,no matter what happens

no matter what happens

Correct Answer:before the morning light,before


Correct Answer:look for me by moonlight,look for me at night time

look for me at night time

What happens in stanza five?
The setting is described.
The Highwayman arrives at the inn.
Bess appears at the window.
Correct answer: The Highwayman speaks to Bess.
Tim the ostler spies on the couple.
Order the information shared by the Highwayman in stanza five.
1 - The Highwayman asks Bess for a kiss.
2 - He tells her that he is going to go and rob gold from someone.
3 - The Highwayman tells Bess that he will be back by dawn tomorrow.
4 - He explains that if he does not return by dawn, he will be back by night time.
'In 'The Highwayman' poem, Bess spoke back to the Highwayman.' Is this true or false?
Correct Answer: false, False, fols, Fols
When performing drama, we need to consider which three of these?
capital letters and full stops
Correct answer: intonation
Correct answer: facial expression
Correct answer: gestures