Year 3

Planning the resolution of 'The Iron Man'

I can plan the resolution of 'The Iron Man'.

Year 3

Planning the resolution of 'The Iron Man'

I can plan the resolution of 'The Iron Man'.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The purpose of the resolution is to resolve the problem encountered in the story and allow readers to reflect.
  2. In the resolution, Hogarth leads the Iron Man to a metal scrapyard and he no longer needs the farmers' machinery.
  3. In a resolution, exaggeration is often used to convey the positive emotions felt by characters.
  4. Using a range of synonyms for simple verbs, adjectives and nouns supports exaggeration.
  5. ‘Show and tell’ language conveys the Iron Man’s emotions.

Common misconception

Children may find it difficult to identify or generate appropriate exaggerated synonyms.

Model the use of a thesaurus to identify appropriate exaggerated synonyms and create a shared bank of appropriate vocabulary for the children to use when writing their notes.


  • Resolution - the part of the story that resolves the problem and allows readers to reflect

  • Exaggeration - overstating for dramatic effect

  • Emotions - strong feelings that result from a person’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others

  • Synonym - a word that has the same or similar meaning to another word

  • 'show and tell' - a writing technique for showing a character’s feelings with description of their actions and expressions

Share each other's plans at the end of the lesson and allow children to borrow ideas from others to add to their own plans.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

How did the climax of 'The Iron Man' end?
The army destroyed the Iron Man.
The Iron Man ran away.
Correct answer: Hogarth befriended the Iron Man with the offer of unlimited metal.
What happens in the resolution of a story?
a problem is introduced
Correct answer: a problem is resolved
a problem is explained/explored
What is a verb?
a word that describes a noun
a funny word
Correct answer: a doing, being or having word
What type of word describes a verb?
an adjective
a noun
Correct answer: an adverb
True or false? I can use a range of synonyms to avoid repetition.
Correct Answer: True, true
What is an expanded noun phrase?
one adjective used to describe a noun
an adverb used to describe a verb
Correct answer: a group of words with no verb that adds detail to a noun

6 Questions

Put the following events in the correct order to show the chronology of events in the resolution.
1 - Hogarth led the Iron Man through the town and the farmers followed.
2 - They arrived at a metal scrapyard and the Iron Man was mesmerised.
3 - The Iron Man feasted on a variety of different metal delicacies.
4 - The Iron Man was happy in his new home and had everything he needed.
5 - The farmers felt safe because the giant no longer needed their machinery.
What is the purpose of the resolution?
to build suspense
to introduce the protagonist and set the scene
Correct answer: to resolve the problem and allow the reader to reflect
What does it mean to exaggerate?
to understate for modesty
Correct answer: to overstate for dramatic effect
to state factually and unemotionally
What is an effective synonym for 'looked' to show how the Iron Man looked at the scrapyard?
Correct answer: gazed
What is an appropriate exaggerated synonym for the way the Iron Man 'ate' the metal in the resolution?
Correct answer: devoured
What is an appropriate exaggerated synonym for the 'metal' that the Iron Man ate?
Correct answer: delicacies