Year 3

Writing the resolution of 'The Iron Man'.

I can write the resolution of 'The Iron Man'.

Year 3

Writing the resolution of 'The Iron Man'.

I can write the resolution of 'The Iron Man'.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In the resolution, the Iron Man finds a new home in a metal scrapyard and he no longer needs the farmers’ machinery.
  2. Exaggeration is a key part of conveying positive emotions in the resolution of a narrative.
  3. Superlative adjectives and similes are used to exaggerate and build imagery for the reader.
  4. Superlatives are used to compare one noun to an entire group of nouns, placing it at a higher degree.
  5. A simile is a linguistic device that compares two things using ‘like’ or ‘as’, highlighting similarities.

Common misconception

Children may find it hard to determine which suffix or word to use to form superlatives.

Encourage children to orally rehearse the superlative forms of adjectives to check that they sound correct.


  • Resolution - the part of the story that resolves the problem and allows readers to reflect

  • Exaggeration - overstating for dramatic effect

  • Imagery - the use of language to create a vivid image in the reader’s mind

  • Superlative - the form of an adjective that compares one noun to an entire group of nouns, placing it at a higher degree

  • Simile - a linguistic device that compares two things using ‘like’ or ‘as’, highlighting similarities

Brainstorm a list of human foods that the metal in the scrapyard could be compared to and create a shared bank as a class. Model forming similes using these.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which of the following are key linguistic features in the resolution?
Correct answer: exaggeration
formal vocabulary
Correct answer: 'show and tell' language
Match the following words to the appropriate synonyms.
Correct Answer:looked,admired


Correct Answer:ate,guzzled


Correct Answer:metal,delights


Correct Answer:tasty,scrumptious


Put the following pieces of 'show and tell' language in the correct order to show the order of events in the resolution.
1 - came to a stunned halt
2 - longingly gazed at the irresistible treats
3 - excitedly grabbed and gobbled a gigantic lorry
4 - rubbed his stomach in delight
Which of the following phrases is the most exaggerated?
a great metal scrapyard
Correct answer: the greatest metal scrapyard on Earth
a metal scrapyard
What is a simile?
Correct answer: a linguistic device that compares two things using 'like' or 'as'
the repetition of the same sound found at the start of words next to each other
a way of describing a non-living thing as if it acts or feels like a human
True or false? The resolution resolves the problem encountered in the story.
Correct Answer: True, true

6 Questions

Match each sentence type to the correct example.
Correct Answer:simple sentence,He gazed in wonder at the most exquisite metal scrapyard.

He gazed in wonder at the most exquisite metal scrapyard.

Correct Answer:compound sentence,Hogarth guided the giant through the town and the farmers followed.

Hogarth guided the giant through the town and the farmers followed.

Correct Answer:adverbial complex sentence,As they came to a halt, the Iron Man could not believe his eyes.

As they came to a halt, the Iron Man could not believe his eyes.

What is a superlative?
Correct answer: adjective form that compares a noun to all others, placing it at a higher degree
a verb form that shows it happened in the past
a different way of referring to a noun
Which of the following do you use to form superlatives?
Correct answer: the suffix 'est'
Correct answer: the word 'most'
the suffix 'er'
Correct answer: the suffix 'iest'
the word 'more'
Match each adjective to the correct suffix or word used to turn it into a superlative.
Correct Answer:great,est


Correct Answer:crunchy,iest


Correct Answer:wonderful,most


Which words do you use to form a simile?
Correct answer: like
Correct answer: as
Select the appropriate human food to complete the following simile: 'He slurped down metal chains like __________.'
Correct answer: spaghetti