Year 3

Planning the climax of a narrative based on 'The Man on the Moon'

I can plan precise, ambitious vocabulary to help write a narrative climax based on 'The Man on the Moon’.

Year 3

Planning the climax of a narrative based on 'The Man on the Moon'

I can plan precise, ambitious vocabulary to help write a narrative climax based on 'The Man on the Moon’.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The purpose of the climax is to give the reader the most dramatic action and increase the tension to its height.
  2. Precise and ambitious vocabulary is logged in a plan for future use.
  3. Notes should not be written in full sentences and bullet points can be used to make notes clear.
  4. Fronted adverbials of time, place and manner indicate when, where and how an action takes place.

Common misconception

Planning needs to be detailed and include full sentences.

Planning should only have key vocabulary and it should be written in note-form using bullet points.


  • Plan - a framework that writers create before they write a section or whole text

  • Notes - written out of full sentences

  • Ambitious vocabulary - high-level language in writing that meets the text purpose

  • Fronted adverbials - a sentence starter followed by a comma

Re-watch the climax several times so that pupils are clear about which moments of the film are in the climax.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

What idea did Lily come up with in the build-up to communicate with the man on the moon?
She would try and fly to the moon.
She would try to take a hot air balloon to the moon.
Correct answer: She would try to send him a letter.
She would try to phone him.
Order the sections of a narrative correctly.
1 - opening
2 - build-up
3 - climax
4 - resolution
Match the word class to its definition:
Correct Answer:adverb,a word that describes a verb

a word that describes a verb

Correct Answer:verb,a doing or a being word

a doing or a being word

Correct Answer:adjective,a word that describes a noun

a word that describes a noun

Correct Answer:noun,a person, place or thing

a person, place or thing

Which of these fronted adverbials would be found in 'The Man on the Moon'?
In contrast,
Correct answer: Excitedly,
In addition,
Match the word class to its example.
Correct Answer:noun,Christmas


Correct Answer:adjective,precious


Correct Answer:verb,floated


Correct Answer:adverb,frantically


Fill in the gap: A fronted adverbial is followed by a ...
Correct Answer: comma, Comma, ,

6 Questions

Order the events of the climax.
1 - Lily opened her presents and hugged her family on Christmas Day.
2 - A bunch of balloons landed on the moon.
3 - The man received his present: a telescope.
What would an appropriate adverb be for how Lily came down the stairs on Christmas morning?
Correct answer: excitedly
with sadness
Which is the most appropriate show and tell language for Lily during Christmas morning?
Her eyes glinted in the darkness.
Her heart beat angrily inside her chest.
Her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
Correct answer: Her eyes sparkled with joy.
What would an appropriate verb be for how the man was on the bench?
Correct answer: slumped
strewn across
What floated towards the man that made him intrigued and excited?
Correct answer: a bunch of balloons
an asteroid
a rocket ship
one balloon
Match the emotion to the show and tell descriptive language.
Correct Answer:excited,jumped elatedly

jumped elatedly

Correct Answer:sad,her smile turned upside down

her smile turned upside down

Correct Answer:amazed,his eyes widened like plates

his eyes widened like plates