Year 3

Planning the resolution of a narrative based on 'The Man on the Moon'

I can plan precise, ambitious vocabulary to write a narrative resolution based on 'The Man on the Moon’.

Year 3

Planning the resolution of a narrative based on 'The Man on the Moon'

I can plan precise, ambitious vocabulary to write a narrative resolution based on 'The Man on the Moon’.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The purpose of the resolution is to resolve the story and give readers a chance to reflect.
  2. Precise and ambitious vocabulary is logged on a plan for future use.
  3. Notes should not be written in full sentences and bullet points can be used to make notes clear.
  4. Fronted adverbials of time, place and manner indicate when, where and how an action takes place.

Common misconception

Planning needs to be detailed and include full sentences.

Planning should only have key vocabulary and be written in note-form using bullet points.


  • Plan - a framework that writers create before they write a section or whole text

  • Notes - written out of full sentences

  • Ambitious vocabulary - high-level language in writing that meets the text purpose

  • Fronted adverbial - a sentence starter followed by a comma

Re-watch the resolution several times so that pupils are clear about which moments of the film are in the resolution. Ensure pupils are given an opportunity to reflect and consider how the characters' actions contrast with those from the opening.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

What was the final moment of the climax?
Lily scootered home.
Lily slumped on the sofa.
Correct answer: The man received a gift: a telescope.
Lily tried to send a letter to the moon.
Put the sections of a narrative in the correct order.
1 - opening
2 - build-up
3 - climax
4 - resolution
What is a narrative?
an information text
Correct answer: a story
a poem
a playscript
Match the word class to its example.
Correct Answer:adverb,ecstatically


Correct Answer:verb,zoomed


Correct Answer:adjective,bright-eyed


Correct Answer:noun,telescope


What is the purpose of the resolution?
to build up excitement
Correct answer: to resolve the story
to show the main action
to introduce the characters
Which of these questions would appear in 'The Man on the Moon?'
Did you know that the moon is 384,400 km away from Earth?
Correct answer: Would she ever reach him?
Have you ever wondered what the moon is made of?
Correct answer: Would anyone ever know he was there?

6 Questions

Put the events of the resolution in the correct order.
1 - The man looks down at Earth through his telescope.
2 - Lily and the man wave at each other.
3 - A tear rolls down his face as he realises someone is thinking of him.
What would an appropriate adverb be for how Lily waved at the man?
Correct answer: elatedly
with sorrow
Which is the most appropriate show and tell language for the man when he sees Lily through the telescope?
His heart sank.
Correct answer: A tear rolled down his cheek.
His heart heart pounded quickly in his chest.
His blood began to boil.
What would an appropriate verb be for how the man communicated with Lily?
Correct answer: waved
What would an appropriate adverb be for how the man used the telescope?
Correct answer: delicately
without care
Which of the following would be found in a narrative plan?
Correct answer: ambitious adjectives and adverbs
full sentences with accurate punctuation
Correct answer: bullet point notes