Year 3

Understanding character relationships in 'The Sheep Pig'

I can understand the relationships between the characters in 'The Sheep-Pig'.

Year 3

Understanding character relationships in 'The Sheep Pig'

I can understand the relationships between the characters in 'The Sheep-Pig'.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Babe shows many positive character traits, including kindness, politeness, determination and friendliness.
  2. Babe's kindness and determination helps him to form relationships.
  3. Farmer Hogget forms a bond with Babe and Fly accepts Babe and teaches him.
  4. Role on the wall is a reading activity which helps us develop our understanding of characters in a story or text.
  5. We can support our ideas with evidence from the text.

Common misconception

In Task A, pupils may place character traits both on the inside and outside of the outline.

Explain to pupils that inner emotions and feelings remain inside, attributes that other characters can see go on the outside.


  • Characterisation - the way an author describes and develops the personalities and traits of the characters in a story

  • Character traits - the special qualities that make a character in a story unique and interesting

  • Evidence - the information from a text that can support or justify our reasoning

  • Relationships - the connections and interactions between characters within a narrative

Role on the wall uses an outline of a character; this can be drawn life size and conducted in groups, or printed and conducted in pairs or independently.
Teacher tip


You will need a copy of the 2023 Penguin Random House edition of ‘The Sheep-Pig’ by Dick King-Smith.


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

Match the character from 'The Sheep-Pig' to their name.
Correct Answer:sheepdog,Fly


Correct Answer:piglet,Babe


Correct Answer:lame sheep,Ma


What does Babe say he wants to become?
a sheepdog
Correct answer: a sheep-pig
a shepherd
What is wrong with Ma?
Correct answer: She has foot-rot.
She is too old.
She has a broken leg.
What is the name of a female sheep?
Correct answer: ewe
What did Babe have a dream about?
Correct answer: sheep not listening to him
sheep doing exactly as he asked
ducks not listening to him
Order these events from the story 'The Sheep-Pig'.
1 - Farmer Hogget guessed the weight of the pig correctly so he won the pig!
2 - The piglet was put in the stables next to Fly and her puppies.
3 - Fly looked after the piglet, who they named 'Babe'.
4 - Farmer Hogget noticed that Babe was very obedient and copied everything Fly did.
5 - Babe said that he wanted to become a sheep-pig.
6 - Fly tried to teach Babe how to round the ducks.
7 - Babe met a lame sheep called Ma, who he made friends with.

6 Questions

Match the keywords to the correct definitions.
Correct Answer:characterisation,the way an author describes & develops personalities

the way an author describes & develops personalities

Correct Answer:character traits,the special qualities that make a character unique

the special qualities that make a character unique

Correct Answer:evidence,the information from a text that can justify reasoning

the information from a text that can justify reasoning

Correct Answer:relationships,the connections and interactions between characters

the connections and interactions between characters

Select three character traits that Babe shows in 'The Sheep-Pig'.
Correct answer: polite
Correct answer: friendly
Correct answer: curious
Which of the following features are included on the inside of the character when completing a role on the wall?
Correct answer: motivations
interactions with others
Correct answer: fears
Which of the following features are included on the outside of the character when completing a role on the wall?
Correct answer: physical appearance
Correct answer: actions
Select the statements that are true about Babe and Fly.
Correct answer: They have a mother-son relationship and care for each other.
Fly thinks Babe is stupid.
Correct answer: Fly supports Babe and helps him to learn the skills of a sheepdog.
Fly tries to discourage Babe from becoming a sheep-pig.
Correct answer: They become friends and support each other.
Select the statements that are true about Babe and Farmer Hogget.
Farmer Hogget wants to fatten Babe up so that they can eat him.
Correct answer: Farmer Hogget is surprised at the skills that Babe has learnt.
Correct answer: Farmer Hogget has grown affectionate towards Babe & enjoys him being around.
Correct answer: Babe was calm the first time he met Farmer Hogget.
Babe screamed when Farmer Hogget held him.