Year 3

Planning the paragraph about houses in the Stone Age

I can plan the houses paragraph for a non-chronological report about the Stone Age.

Year 3

Planning the paragraph about houses in the Stone Age

I can plan the houses paragraph for a non-chronological report about the Stone Age.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Notes should be written in note form and bullet points can be used to order notes.
  2. Viewpoint fronted adverbials and formal fronted adverbials are used at the start of sentences for cohesion.
  3. The purpose of the houses paragraph is to show how housing of the Mesolithic period differed to that of the Neolithic.
  4. Mesolithic people were nomadic: they carried their homes with them as they moved.
  5. Neolithic people began settling in small communties in houses built of stone.

Common misconception

Planning needs to be detailed and include full sentences.

Planning should only have keywords and be written in note-from using bullet points.


  • Subject-specific vocabulary - vocabulary used when writing about a particular subject

  • Plan - a framework that writers create before they write a section or whole text

  • Notes - written out of full sentences

  • Subheading - a word, phrase or sentence used to introduce part of a text

  • Nomadic - travels from one place to another rather than settling

Supplement pupil knowledge of the houses in the Mesolithic and Neolithic period with additional videos, images and research. Pupils can make posters of their research from which they can plan notes.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which of these nouns needs a capital letter?
Correct answer: mesolithic
Correct answer: neolithic
Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
Their tents were made out of animal skin and wooden sticks
Correct answer: Their tents were made out of animal skin and wooden sticks.
their tents were made out of animal skin and wooden sticks
their tents were made out of animal skin and wooden sticks.
In which sentence is the comma used correctly?
The Mesolithic people settled in, small, tight-knit communities.
The Mesolithic people settled in small tight-knit communities.
Correct answer: The Mesolithic people settled in small, tight-knit communities.
The Mesolithic people settled in small tight-knit, communities.
Which of these fronted adverbials shows that another idea is being added to the previous sentence?
In contrast,
Correct answer: Additionally,
Which of these is a viewpoint fronted adverbial?
Correct answer: interestingly
What is a fronted adverbial always followed by?
a full stop
Correct answer: a comma
an adjective
a capital letter
a co-ordinating conjunction

6 Questions

Which of these are subject-specific vocabulary?
Correct answer: animal skins
Correct answer: nomadic
Correct answer: settlement
What is in a plan?
Correct answer: bullet points for notes
Correct answer: subject-specific vocabulary
full sentences with capital letters and full stops
Which of the following is true of the Mesolithic period?
Correct answer: They moved their homes around depending on the seasons and where animals went.
They built houses out of stone.
They made permanent settlements.
They always lived in the woods.
Match these Stone Age notes to the sections they would be used in.
Correct Answer:they gathered nuts and berries,Diet


Correct Answer:they built houses out of stone,Housing


Correct Answer:they made tools out of flint,Artefacts


How do notes help the writer?
to punctuate sentences accurately
to make subordinate clauses make sense
Correct answer: to organise information easily for writing in the future
Correct answer: to log key vocabulary to use when writing
Complete the following sentence. Skara Brae shows that Neolithic people...
moved around depending on the season.
Correct answer: lived and worked together in small communities.
built houses out of wood.
Correct answer: settled in one place for a longer time.