Year 3

Writing the paragraph about diet in the Stone Age

I can write a detailed paragraph about the diet of the Stone Age people.

Year 3

Writing the paragraph about diet in the Stone Age

I can write a detailed paragraph about the diet of the Stone Age people.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A subheading signals to the reader what the section is about.
  2. A section about one feature of the report's subject contains specific facts and information to keep the reader engaged.
  3. Writers choose varied fronted adverbials and different sentence types to ensure the text flows for the reader.
  4. A section can be composed of one paragraph.
  5. Sentences should be said aloud before writing to ensure they make sense and read back once written to check for errors.

Common misconception

Pupils write facts in a non-coherent order.

Ensure pupils are following the order of the facts on their plans when writing full sentences.


  • Text flow - how a text is written to keep the reader engaged

  • Subheading - a word, phrase or sentence used to introduce part of a text

  • Compound sentence - a sentence formed of two main clauses and a co-ordinating conjunction

  • Complex sentence - a sentence formed of at least one main clause and a subordinate clause

  • Fronted adverbial - a sentence starter followed by a comma

Use the accompanying Year 3 Grammar unit 'Simple, compound and adverbial complex sentences' to teach the range of sentence types appropriate at Year 3 level. Secure knowledge of different sentence types increases pupil engagement in writing.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

What is a plan?
Correct answer: a framework that writers create before they write a section or whole text
lined paper
an answer sheet
Match the terms to their definitions.
Correct Answer:clause,a group of words that contains a verb

a group of words that contains a verb

Correct Answer:verb,a doing, a being or a having word

a doing, a being or a having word

Correct Answer:fronted adverbial,a sentence starter followed by a comma

a sentence starter followed by a comma

A section in a non-chronological report can be introduced by a .
Correct Answer: subheading, Subheading
Complete the following sentence. Non-chronological reports contain lots of...
Correct answer: facts
figurative language
Match the fronted adverbial to its purpose.
Correct Answer:In addition,,to build on a point from the previous sentence

to build on a point from the previous sentence

Correct Answer:However,,to introduce a contrasting idea from the previous sentence

to introduce a contrasting idea from the previous sentence

Correct Answer:Interestingly,,to show the writer's point of view

to show the writer's point of view

Facts in the introduction of the non-chronological report are general. In later sections, what do the facts become?
Correct answer: specific
more general

6 Questions

When we write, we always try to do which of these things?
Only showcase one sentence type.
Correct answer: Plan and say each sentence out loud before we write it.
Write all sentences without first saying them out loud.
Which of these sentences is relevant to a non-chronological report about the Stone Age?
Correct answer: Interestingly, the Mesolithic people hunted wild animals to eat.
Quietly, they approached the wild animals and then... they pounced!
The Stone Age people were awesome hunters.
What is the definition of a subheading?
A subheading is the main body of the text.
A subheading is a word, phrase or sentence used to describe a picture.
A subheading is a word, phrase or sentence used to label a picture.
Correct answer: A subheading is a word, phrase or sentence used to introduce part of a text.
Choose a viewpoint fronted adverbial to start the following sentence. __________, the Neolithic people domesticated animals such as sheep and chickens.
Correct answer: Amazingly,
Match the action to the time period.
Correct Answer:hunted wild animals ,Mesolithic


Correct Answer:gathered berries and nuts,Mesolithic


Correct Answer:domesticated animals,Neolithic


Correct Answer:cultivated crops,Neolithic


Which sentence could follow this sentence to give a contrasting idea? 'The Mesolithic gathered berries and nuts from trees and bushes.'
In addition, they hunted wild animals.
Correct answer: In contrast, the Neolithic people cultivated crops such as wheat, corn and rice.
Also, they followed where the animals went depending on the season.