Year 5

Planning the first recount paragraph of a journalistic report about the Titanic

I can use research to plan the recount paragraph, focusing on the Titanic's design and construction.

Year 5

Planning the first recount paragraph of a journalistic report about the Titanic

I can use research to plan the recount paragraph, focusing on the Titanic's design and construction.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The purpose of the recount section is to engage the reader and give them specific information about what happened.
  2. An introductory sentence explains what the paragraph is about.
  3. Relative complex sentences and passive voice enable the writer to convey information in varied ways.
  4. Relative clauses begin with the relative pronouns ‘who’ or ‘which’.
  5. Plans should include clear, concise notes.

Common misconception

Pupils may want to include quotes from bystanders or other interested parties at the event.

Ensure pupils know that there will be a specific section devoted to quotes from bystanders in another part of the journalistic report.


  • Specific information - clear, exact and particular information

  • Active voice - a spoken or written voice in which the subject does the verb in a sentence

  • Passive voice - a spoken or written voice in which the subject is acted upon by the verb

  • Relative complex sentence - a sentence formed of a main clause and a relative subordinate clause

  • Parenthesis - additional information that is added to a sentence; if it is removed, the sentence still makes sense

Pupils may enjoy researching further information about the Titanic's size, strength and speed.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Tick the definition of subject-specific vocabulary.
a sentence starter followed by a comma
words and phraseology that journalists use in their reports
Correct answer: vocabulary associated with a subject
Tick the definition of journalistic language.
a sentence starter followed by a comma
Correct answer: words and phraseology that journalists use in their reports
vocabulary associated with a subject
Tick the definition of a fronted adverbial.
Correct answer: a sentence starter followed by a comma
words and phraseology that journalists use in their reports
vocabulary associated with a subject
Match the types of fronted adverbials to their examples.
Correct Answer:'and' formal fronted adverbial,In addition to this,

In addition to this,

Correct Answer:'but' formal fronted adverbial,In spite of this,

In spite of this,

Correct Answer:fronted adverbial of cause,Consequently,


Correct Answer:viewpoint fronted adverbial,Of significant note,

Of significant note,

Match the terms to their definitions:
Correct Answer:general,the most basic, necessary information

the most basic, necessary information

Correct Answer:specific,detailed facts and information

detailed facts and information

Correct Answer:paragraph,a number of sentences in one section

a number of sentences in one section

Tick the sentence that uses parenthesis demarcated using brackets correctly.
Correct answer: Titanic (designed by Thomas Andrews) is the largest floating vessel ever built.
(Titanic) designed by Thomas Andrews is the largest floating vessel ever built.
Titanic designed by Thomas Andrews is the largest floating (vessel ever built).

6 Questions

Match the parts of the recount paragraph to their definitions:
Correct Answer:introductory sentence,introduces what the paragraph will be about

introduces what the paragraph will be about

Correct Answer:specific information,gives the reader detailed facts about the topic

gives the reader detailed facts about the topic

Correct Answer:linking sentence,links on to the next paragraph

links on to the next paragraph

Tick the relative pronouns.
Correct answer: who
Correct answer: which
Identify the verb in this sentence: 'The cat sat on the mat.'
Correct answer: sat
Match the terms to their definitions:
Correct Answer:active voice,a sentence in which the subject does or is the verb

a sentence in which the subject does or is the verb

Correct Answer:passive voice,a sentence where the subject receives the action of the verb

a sentence where the subject receives the action of the verb

Correct Answer:first person,the 'I/we' perspective

the 'I/we' perspective

Correct Answer:third person,the 'he/she/it/they' perspective

the 'he/she/it/they' perspective

Which of these sentences are written in the passive voice?
The crew collected passengers' luggage.
Correct answer: Passengers' luggage was collected by the crew.
Correct answer: The ship was designed by a team of experts.
Experts designed the ship.
Which of these facts should not be included in the recount paragraph about the ship's construction?
Titanic was designed by Thomas Andrews.
Titanic was built at the Harland and Wolff Shipyard.
Correct answer: Titanic set sail on April 10th 1912.
Titanic has a powerful steam engine.