Year 5

Writing the closing of a journalistic report about the Titanic

I can write the closing paragraph of a journalistic report about the Titanic.

Year 5

Writing the closing of a journalistic report about the Titanic

I can write the closing paragraph of a journalistic report about the Titanic.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The purpose of the closing is to summarise what is currently happening and what is likely to happen next.
  2. Information in the closing should be general.
  3. Cohesion is vital when considering how to engage the reader and share information with them in a clear, succinct way.
  4. Using the structure of introductory sentence, general information and concluding sentence enhances text cohesion.

Common misconception

Pupils may get confused when writing some sentences in present tense and some in future tense.

Teacher models must make use of both the present and the future tenses. This must be explicitly explained when scaffolding the writing task.


  • Summarise - to sum up or conclude the main body of a text

  • Cohesive devices - language structures that develop text cohesion

  • Modal verb - a type of auxiliary verb that helps us to talk about how likely, possible, necessary or obligatory something is to happen

  • Tense - tells the reader when something happened

Give pupils time to independently re-read, edit and improve their first draft, checking specifically for accurate use of the change in tense.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

The closing is...
Correct answer: the final paragraph of a journalistic report.
the section that includes quotes from eyewitnesses.
the first paragraph of a journalistic report.
the section that includes a detailed recount of the event.
Match each part of the closing paragraph with its function.
Correct Answer:introductory sentence,introduces the paragraph and summarises what is happening

introduces the paragraph and summarises what is happening

Correct Answer:general information,informs the reader about what is likely to happen next

informs the reader about what is likely to happen next

Correct Answer:concluding sentence,ends the report

ends the report

Match each cohesive device with its definition.
Correct Answer:fronted adverbial,a sentence starter followed by a comma

a sentence starter followed by a comma

Correct Answer:complex sentence,a sentence with a main clause and a subordinate clause

a sentence with a main clause and a subordinate clause

Correct Answer:subject-specific vocabulary,vocabulary associated with a particular subject

vocabulary associated with a particular subject

Correct Answer:parenthesis,additional information that can be removed from a sentence

additional information that can be removed from a sentence

Identify the modal verb in the following sentence. 'Titanic will collect additional passengers at Cherbourg.'
Correct answer: will
Select the sentences written in any present tense.
Correct answer: Titanic is sailing across the Atlantic.
Additional passengers will be collected at Cherbourg and France.
The ship has left Southampton docks.
Correct answer: The ship currently has 2,300 passengers on board.
Select the sentences written in the future tense.
The ship has been designed to the highest standards.
Correct answer: Readers will follow updates on the ship's progress at the Oak Times.
Titanic is widely described as 'unsinkable'.
Correct answer: The ship's maiden voyage will be concluding in New York City.

6 Questions

Match the key words to their definitions.
Correct Answer:summarise,to sum up or conclude the main body of a text

to sum up or conclude the main body of a text

Correct Answer:cohesive devices,language structures that develop text cohesion

language structures that develop text cohesion

Correct Answer:modal verbs,verbs that indicate the likelihood of something happening

verbs that indicate the likelihood of something happening

Correct Answer:tense,tells the reader when something happened

tells the reader when something happened

Order the sections of a full journalistic report.
1 - opening
2 - recount section
3 - quotes section
4 - closing
Put the modal verbs in order from least to most likely.
1 - will not
2 - might
3 - should
4 - will
Select the most appropriate modal verb to complete the following sentence with the highest level of certainty. 'The Titanic __________ arrive in New York City on Wednesday.'
Correct answer: will
Match the definitions of tense.
Correct Answer:present tense,tells the reader the action is happening now

tells the reader the action is happening now

Correct Answer:future tense,tells the reader of an event that is yet to happen

tells the reader of an event that is yet to happen

Correct Answer:past tense,tells the reader of an event that has happened

tells the reader of an event that has happened

The purpose of success criteria is to...
provide a list of skills to include exclusively.
Correct answer: provide a guide of some skills to include.
provide a list of punctuation to use.