Year 5

Writing the first recount paragraph of a journalistic report about the Titanic

I can write the recount paragraph of a journalistic report about the Titanic, focusing on its design, construction and purpose.

Year 5

Writing the first recount paragraph of a journalistic report about the Titanic

I can write the recount paragraph of a journalistic report about the Titanic, focusing on its design, construction and purpose.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. An introductory sentence explains what the paragraph is about.
  2. Relative clauses give more detail about the sentence’s subject and they begin with relative pronouns ‘who’ or ‘which’.
  3. Conveying extra information (parenthesis) inside brackets is a tool for giving the reader lots of specific information.
  4. Journalistic reports are formal in tone and they communicate information to the reader in a clear, succinct way.
  5. Journalistic tone is objective; the journalist does not offer their own personal opinion.

Common misconception

Children may confuse co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

Ensure that both conjunctions are taught within the context of full compound and complex sentences to avoid confusion.


  • Passive voice - a spoken or written voice in which the subject is acted upon by the verb

  • Parenthesis - additional information that is added to a sentence; if it is removed, the sentence still makes sense

  • Relative complex sentence - a sentence formed of a main clause and a relative subordinate clause

  • Adverbial complex sentence - a sentence formed of a main clause and an adverbial subordinate clause

If your pupils need more explicit teaching of sentence types, use the Year 5 'Five sentence types' discrete grammar unit.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Order the parts of a recount paragraph.
1 - introductory sentence
2 - specific information
3 - linking sentence
Which of these is the definition of a relative pronoun?
a being, doing or having word
a person, place or thing
Correct answer: a word that starts a relative clause like 'who' or 'which'
a word that describes a noun
Match the terms to their definitions.
Correct Answer:active voice,a sentence in which the subject does or is the verb

a sentence in which the subject does or is the verb

Correct Answer:passive voice,a sentence where the subject receives the action of the verb

a sentence where the subject receives the action of the verb

Correct Answer:first person,the 'I/we' perspective

the 'I/we' perspective

Correct Answer:third person,the 'he/she/it/they' perspective

the 'he/she/it/they' perspective

Match the definitions of 'it's' and 'its'.
Correct Answer:it's,the contracted form of 'it is'

the contracted form of 'it is'

Correct Answer:its,a possessive pronoun

a possessive pronoun

Correct Answer:It's cold outside!,a sentence using the contracted form of 'it is'

a sentence using the contracted form of 'it is'

Correct Answer:Its hull filled with water.,a sentence using the possessive pronoun 'its'

a sentence using the possessive pronoun 'its'

Identify the relative clauses.
as crew loaded cargo onto the ship
before the ship set sail
Correct answer: which set sail from Southampton
when the ship reaches New York
Correct answer: who is the commodore of White Star Line
Tick the sentences written in the passive voice.
Correct answer: The ship was boarded by passengers ahead of its departure at midday.
Passengers boarded the ship ahead of its departure at midday.
Correct answer: The passengers were accepted by the ticket office.
The ticket office accepted the passengers.

6 Questions

Match the linguistic devices to their examples.
Correct Answer:subject-specific vocabulary,vessel


Correct Answer:journalistic language,it has been reported that

it has been reported that

Correct Answer:fronted adverbial,Of particular interest,

Of particular interest,

Correct Answer:parenthesis,(Belfast, Northern Ireland)

(Belfast, Northern Ireland)

A clause is...
Correct answer: a group of words containing a verb.
a joining word.
a word that begins a relative clause.
Match the definitions of sentence types.
Correct Answer:simple sentence,a sentence consisting of one main clause

a sentence consisting of one main clause

Correct Answer:compound sentence,a sentence with two main clauses joined by a conjunction

a sentence with two main clauses joined by a conjunction

Correct Answer:complex sentence,a sentence formed of a main clause and a subordinate clause

a sentence formed of a main clause and a subordinate clause

Tick the three co-ordinating conjunctions.
Correct answer: and
Correct answer: or
Correct answer: but
Tick the words that can act as subordinating conjunctions in complex sentences.
Correct answer: although
Correct answer: because
Correct answer: after
Correct answer: before
Match the clause types to their examples.
Correct Answer:main clause,The Titanic took three years to build.

The Titanic took three years to build.

Correct Answer:relative subordinate clause,which is commanded by Captain E. Smith

which is commanded by Captain E. Smith

Correct Answer:adverbial subordinate clause,after all passengers had boarded the ship

after all passengers had boarded the ship