Year 5

Writing the opening of a journalistic report about the Titanic

I can write the opening of a journalistic report about the Titanic.

Year 5

Writing the opening of a journalistic report about the Titanic

I can write the opening of a journalistic report about the Titanic.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The opening provides the reader with general information about the event.
  2. The opening includes when, where and what took place and what is currently happening.
  3. Writers use a range of cohesive devices to maintain the reader's interest and achieve text purpose.
  4. The purpose of the opening is to engage the reader and encourage them to read on.

Common misconception

Pupils may want to include facts that are too specific for the opening.

Make explicit and repeated reference to only including general information. Use the 5 Ws (who, what, where, when, why) to help embed this.


  • Opening - the first paragraph of a journalistic report

  • General information - the most basic, necessary information

  • Purpose - the aim of the text

  • Text cohesion - how a text flows to maintain the interest of the reader and achieve the text’s purpose

  • Parenthesis - additional information that is added to a sentence; if it is removed, the sentence still makes sense

Express that pupils can convey information in different orders; for example, one pupil may explain when, where and then what happened whilst another may start with what, when and then where it happened.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Match the linguistic features to their examples:
Correct Answer:subject-specific vocabulary,quayside


Correct Answer:journalistic language,It is believed that

It is believed that

Correct Answer:fronted adverbial,Furthermore,


Which of these is not a purpose of the opening of a journalistic report?
engage the reader
give the reader general information
encourage the reader to read on
Correct answer: give the reader specific facts in chronological order
Which information should be included in the opening of a journalistic report?
Correct answer: what
Correct answer: when
Correct answer: who
Correct answer: where
Correct answer: what is currently happening
Which of the following should plans not include?
clear, concise notes
bullet points
Correct answer: full sentences
subject-specific language
Match the subject-specific words to their definitions:
Correct Answer:quay,a stone or metal platform alongside water for loading ships

a stone or metal platform alongside water for loading ships

Correct Answer:passengers,people travelling on the ship

people travelling on the ship

Correct Answer:crew,people working on the ship

people working on the ship

Correct Answer:maiden voyage,the ship's first journey

the ship's first journey

Which of these journalistic phrases explains the time most exactly?
At approximately 12 noon,
Correct answer: At precisely 12 noon,
At vaguely 12 noon,

6 Questions

Order the parts of a journalistic report.
1 - opening
2 - recount section
3 - quotes section
4 - closing
Which of these enhance text cohesion?
Correct answer: subject-specific vocabulary
Correct answer: journalistic language
Correct answer: fronted adverbials
capital letters at the start of sentences
Correct answer: parenthesis marked using brackets
Tick the definition of parenthesis.
a word that describes a noun
a 'doing' word
Correct answer: extra information in a sentence that can be removed
Match the key words to their definitions:
Correct Answer:opening,the first paragraph of a journalistic report

the first paragraph of a journalistic report

Correct Answer:general information,the most basic, necessary information

the most basic, necessary information

Correct Answer:purpose,the aim of the text

the aim of the text

Correct Answer:text cohesion,how a text flows to maintain the interest of the reader

how a text flows to maintain the interest of the reader

Identify the parenthesis in this sentence: The Titanic (built in Belfast) set sail from Southampton earlier today.
The Titanic
Correct answer: built in Belfast
set sail from Southampton
earlier today
Which of these punctuation marks are brackets?
Correct answer: ( )