Using the suffixes -cian, -sion and -ssion to represent /shun/
I can spell words using all the /shun/ suffixes.
Using the suffixes -cian, -sion and -ssion to represent /shun/
I can spell words using all the /shun/ suffixes.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- If the word is a profession, the noun will generally end in "-cian".
- If the root word ends in "ss" or "mit", remove the "ss" or "t" and add "-ssion".
- If the root word is a verb ending in "se" or "de", remove the "se" or "de" and add "-sion".
- If the root word ends in "c" or "cs", remove the "c" or "cs" and add "-cian".
- How to spell the curriculum words: possession, occasion and occasionally.
Suffix - a letter or group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning
Root word - the base word from which other words are formed often by adding prefixes or suffixes
Noun - a naming word for a person, place or thing
Common misconception
Some pupils may not know the related root word or see how they are connected.
Put the /shun/ word and the associated root word into a simple sentence to help secure their meaning. This will help pupils see the connections in meaning and spelling between the words.
Starter quiz
6 Questions
Exit quiz
6 Questions
root words end in t or te (the most common)
root words end in d, de or se (can sound like /zhun/)
root words end in ss or mit
root words end in c or cs (professions)