Year 4

Spelling further words with the suffix -ed

I can spell irregular past tense verbs.

Year 4

Spelling further words with the suffix -ed

I can spell irregular past tense verbs.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Adding the suffix -ed turns the verb into the past tense.
  2. When the vowel sound is long, we just add the suffix -ed.
  3. When the vowel sound is short, we double the consonant and add the suffix -ed.
  4. How to spell irregular verbs in the past tense, such as slept.
  5. How to spell the common exception words: different, material and busy.

Common misconception

Some pupils may overgeneralise applying regular -ed rules to irregular verbs such as 'buy' -'buyed'.

Expose pupils to irregular past tense verbs in reading activities, encourage them to use mnemonics and hunt for words in sentences together.


  • Suffix - a letter or group of letters added to the end of a root word

  • Irregular - not conforming to a regular or predictable pattern

  • Present tense - when the action is happening now

  • Past tense - when the action has happened before now

  • Verb - a doing or being verb

Use spelling strategies to practise irregular past tense verbs as well as showing the words in full sentences to help pupils learn and remember the spellings.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

What rule is being used when the word 'worry' becomes 'worried' when adding the suffix -ed?
Just add -ed.
Correct answer: Remove the 'y' and add -ied.
Remove the 'e' and add -ed.
Double the consonant and add -ed.
What rule is being used when the word 'share' becomes 'shared' when adding the suffix -ed?
Just add -ed.
Remove the 'y' and add -ied.
Correct answer: Remove the 'e' and add -ed.
Double the consonant and add -ed.
What rule is being used when the word 'control' becomes 'controlled' when adding the suffix -ed?
Just add -ed.
Remove the 'y' and add -ied.
Remove the 'e' and add -ed.
Correct answer: Double the consonant and add -ed.
What rule is being used when the word 'play' becomes 'played' when adding the suffix -ed?
Correct answer: Just add -ed.
Remove the 'y' and add -ied.
Remove the 'e' and add -ed.
Double the consonant and add -ed.
Match the verbs to the rule they use when the suffix -ed is added.
Correct Answer:jump - jumped,Just add -ed.

Just add -ed.

Correct Answer:fry - fried,Remove the 'y' and add -ied.

Remove the 'y' and add -ied.

Correct Answer:like - liked,Remove the 'e' and add -ed.

Remove the 'e' and add -ed.

Correct Answer:stop - stopped,Double the consonant and add -ed.

Double the consonant and add -ed.

Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in this sentence: She hureed to the shops before they closed.
Correct answer: hurried

6 Questions

When do we 'remove the 'y' and add -ied' when using the suffix -ed?
Correct answer: when the root word ends in 'y' after a consonant
when the root word ends in 'e'
when the root word ends in two consonant letters
when the root word is a single syllable with a short vowel
when the root word has two syllables with a stressed final syllable
When do we 'double the consonant, then add -ed' when using the suffix -ed?
when the root word ends in 'y' after a consonant
when the root word ends in 'e'
when the root word ends in two consonant letters
Correct answer: when the root word is a single syllable with a short vowel
Correct answer: when the root word has two syllables with a stressed final syllable
Match the present tense verb to the irregular past tense verb.
Correct Answer:bring,brought


Correct Answer:make,made


Correct Answer:go,went


Correct Answer:sleep,slept


Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in this sentence: He thort he knew the answer.
Correct answer: thought
Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in this sentence: She kneww the answer so she raised her hand.
Correct answer: knew
Correct the spelling of the word in bold in this sentence: The restaurant was extremely bizy.
Correct Answer: busy

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