Year 4

Answering questions using evidence in 'Walter Tull's Scrapbook'

I can use evidence in the text to support reasoning.

Year 4

Answering questions using evidence in 'Walter Tull's Scrapbook'

I can use evidence in the text to support reasoning.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Skimming and scanning helps to retrieve and record information from a text.
  2. Reading between the lines to search for clues can help to infer meaning.
  3. Evidence from the text helps us to justify our inferences.

Common misconception

Pupils may include any information that mentions keywords in the question stem.

It is important to model re-reading the question and answer, checking evidence for accuracy and context in answers.


  • Retrieval - Retrieval is finding key details or information in the text and extracting them.

  • Inference - Inference means to use clues from within the text to draw conclusions.

  • Evidence - Evidence is the information from a text that can support or justify our reasoning.

Offer an opportunity for pupils to explore the 'Christmas Truce of 1915' in more detail by researching. is a useful starting point.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

If you 'skim' a text, what does this mean?
Correct answer: Reading a text quickly without reading every word.
Examining a text critically, to look for patterns and themes.
Looking at a text closely and carefully to find details.
Match the vocabulary to the correct definition.
Correct Answer:author,The person who writes the text for a book.

The person who writes the text for a book.

Correct Answer:caption,A title or explanation for an illustration.

A title or explanation for an illustration.

Correct Answer:scrapbook,A book to collect memories, photos, clippings and mementos.

A book to collect memories, photos, clippings and mementos.

What type of text is 'Walter Tull's scrapbook'?
A fairytale.
A news article.
Correct answer: A non-fiction biographical text.
What is a non-fiction text?
A genre of text which is made up or imagined.
Correct answer: A genre of text that presents real events, information, or knowledge.
A genre of text that reports the news.
Match the feature to its purpose in a non-fiction text.
Correct Answer:headings and subheadings,Can organise information and make it easier to find.

Can organise information and make it easier to find.

Correct Answer:photographs,Can provide visual information to help readers understand.

Can provide visual information to help readers understand.

Correct Answer:glossary,Can provide definitions and explanations of unfamiliar words

Can provide definitions and explanations of unfamiliar words

Put these events from Walter Tull's life in order from earliest to latest.
1 - He was born in 1888 in Folkestone.
2 - He became a professional footballer, playing for Clapton FC.
3 - He enlisted in the British Army.
4 - He died in 1918.

6 Questions

Match the following keywords to their definitions.
Correct Answer:retrieval,Finding key details in the text and extracting them.

Finding key details in the text and extracting them.

Correct Answer:inference,To use clues from within the text to draw conclusions.

To use clues from within the text to draw conclusions.

Correct Answer:evidence,The information from a text that can justify our reasoning.

The information from a text that can justify our reasoning.

True or False? In 'Walter Tull's Scrapbook', Walter was paid an insignificant fee when he transferred to Northampton Football Club.
Correct Answer: False, false
Why was Walter Tull not able to sign with Glasgow Rangers?
Glasgow Rangers did not offer enough money to Walter.
Correct answer: Britain was at war with Germany; Walter volunteered to join the Army.
Northampton F.C. fans wanted Walter to stay at their club.
Walter did not want to play in Scotland.
What years did Walter play for Tottenham Hotspur Football Club?
Correct answer: 1909-1911
In 'Walter Tull's Scrapbook', what pieces of information from the text tell the reader that Walter's uniform and kit were a challenge to carry?
Walter's cap had a peak
Correct answer: Walter had to wear a "khaki" jacket
Walter's uniform had plenty of pockets.
Correct answer: Walter's kit bag contained a variety of tools and objects
Which answer provides evidence to show that Walter was optimistic about his Battalion?
Walter's battalion will be on the frontline by Christmas.
There are lots of new terms and phrases for Walter to learn.
Correct answer: Walter likes the men he is fighting with and so things they will be successful.