Year 4

Making comparisons in 'Walter Tull's Scrapbook'

I can compare and contrast an aspect of Walter's life.

Year 4

Making comparisons in 'Walter Tull's Scrapbook'

I can compare and contrast an aspect of Walter's life.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A similarity is a feature or aspect that has some resemblance to something else, without being identical.
  2. A difference is a feature or aspect that has a distinct or discernible feature that sets it apart from something else.
  3. Comparing two contexts, provides readers with an in-depth understanding of Walter's life.

Common misconception

Pupils may find it challenging to draw similarities between Walter's home life and life at war.

Modelling a few additional examples will support pupils e.g. he excelled in football and at war.


  • Similarity - A similarity is when two or more things share similar traits.

  • Difference - A difference is when two or more things have features that set them apart from one another.

  • Compare - Comparing involves identifying similarities between two or more things, ideas, themes, or texts.

  • Contrast - Contrasting involves identifying differences between two or more things, ideas, concepts, or texts.

If interested in discovering more about Walter's application to be an officer, pupils could explore in pairs, answering the questions.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
  • Depiction or discussion of upsetting content
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

What is a definition for prejudice?
Correct answer: Judging others unfairly based on stereotypes.
Liking one thing more.
Seeing the future.
Match the word to the correct definition.
Correct Answer:war,A big fight between countries.

A big fight between countries.

Correct Answer:home,Where you live and feel safe.

Where you live and feel safe.

Correct Answer:sports,Games that people play.

Games that people play.

Correct Answer:career,A job you do for a long time.

A job you do for a long time.

Select strategies that could help a reader to find information in a non-fiction text.
Correct answer: Use headings to locate different topics in the text.
Imagine what an event must have been like.
Correct answer: Use an index or glossary.
Predict what will come next.
Which of these statements are true in relation to the First World War.
Correct answer: The First World War began in 1914.
It was a peaceful and joyful time.
Correct answer: Soldiers fought in trenches.
The First World War lasted only a few days.
What does a hero mean?
Correct answer: A person admired for courage and noble qualities.
A person who teaches others.
A bad person in a story.
Match these words to their definitions.
Correct Answer:orphanage,Home for children with no parents.

Home for children with no parents.

Correct Answer:personal hygiene,Staying clean and healthy.

Staying clean and healthy.

Correct Answer:chapel,A small place of Christian worship.

A small place of Christian worship.

6 Questions

Match the keywords to their definitions.
Correct Answer:similarity,When two or more things share similar traits.

When two or more things share similar traits.

Correct Answer:difference,When two or more things have features that set them apart.

When two or more things have features that set them apart.

Correct Answer:compare,Involves identifying similarities between two or more things

Involves identifying similarities between two or more things

Correct Answer:contrast,Involves identifying differences between two or more things.

Involves identifying differences between two or more things.

True or False? Life during wartime was pleasant for Walter.
Correct Answer: False, false
Order these events from page 19 in 'Walter Tull's Scrapbook'.
1 - Early wake up, after little sleep
2 - Watching the enemy's "trenches"
3 - Eat breakfast
4 - Mend walls
5 - Eat a small dinner
True or False? Walter was sent away from the Front due to "shell shock".
Correct Answer: True, true
In which year does Walter return to the battlefield after spending time in hospital?
Correct answer: 1916
Which of the following are similarities between Walter's life at home and during the war?
Walter wore a different uniform in sports and in war.
Correct answer: Walter was kind and helpful to others in both roles.
Walter aimed for goals on the field, but peace in battles.
Correct answer: Both football and battles demanded Walter's hard work.