Year 4

Planning a desert island scene

I can plan a descriptive scene about a hot desert island.

Year 4

Planning a desert island scene

I can plan a descriptive scene about a hot desert island.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Precise and ambitious vocabulary related to the five senses should be included in the plan.
  2. Linguistic devices such as figurative language (similes and personification) should be included in the plan.
  3. The plan should be written in note-form and notes are not written in full sentences.
  4. The 'zoom-in' structure guides the descriptive writing paragraph.

Common misconception

Planning needs to be detailed and plans should be written in full sentences.

Planning should log precise and ambitious vocabulary, linguistic devices and be written in note-from.


  • Plan - a framework that writers create before they write a section or whole text

  • Notes - written out of full sentences

  • Figurative language - the use of simile and personification to paint vivid pictures for the reader

Find pictures and video clips showcasing different desert islands for engagement and to support further understanding.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

What is a plan?
Correct answer: a framework that writers create before they write a section or whole text
a framework that writers create after they write a section or whole text
a framework that writers create during the writing of a section or whole text
What are notes?
specific and long pieces of information you write down to help you remember
full sentences you write down to help you to remember
Correct answer: short reminders or pieces of information you write down to help you remember
Which of these is vocabulary relating to hot weather?
Correct answer: scorching
Correct answer: burning
Which of these are examples of expanded noun phrases?
beating down with fury
as hot as the surface of the sun
Correct answer: burning, scorching heat
Correct answer: humid, tropical weather
How does imagining colours help us choose vocabulary?
It taps into our sense of danger.
It taps into our sense of hunger and thirst.
Correct answer: It helps us imagine what feelings we want to create in our reader.
Fill in the blank in the following sentence: 'All around, the calm sea __________ like polished glass.'
Correct answer: glistened

6 Questions

Which of the following words have the same meaning as ‘scorching'?
Correct answer: burning
Correct answer: searing
Which of these words are the adjectives in the following sentence? 'The sweltering, stifling sun scorched down on the parched earth.'
Correct answer: sweltering
Correct answer: parched
Correct answer: stifling
Which expanded noun phrases best describe a very hot midday sun?
Correct answer: scorching, relentless sun
peaceful, dusky sun
Correct answer: blazing, oppressive sun
gentle, fading sun
Match these descriptions to make appropriate personification examples.
Correct Answer:The palm trees ,whispered secrets to each other in the gentle breeze.

whispered secrets to each other in the gentle breeze.

Correct Answer:The waves ,played a never-ending game of tag with the shore.

played a never-ending game of tag with the shore.

Correct Answer:The relentless sun ,scowled down on the island's shimmering shoreline.

scowled down on the island's shimmering shoreline.

What is the 'zoom-in' technique?
a technique that repeats the first three words of the first three sentences
Correct answer: a technique that moves from the big-picture details to the specific
a technique that moves from the specific details to the big-picture
Match the noun to its corresponding adjectives.
Correct Answer:sand,fine, golden

fine, golden

Correct Answer:sea water,warm, salty

warm, salty

Correct Answer:fruit,sweet, tropical

sweet, tropical

Correct Answer:sun,blistering, scorching

blistering, scorching