Year 4

Practising using figurative language

I can practise using figurative language in different sentence types.

Year 4

Practising using figurative language

I can practise using figurative language in different sentence types.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A simile describes something by comparing it to something else to make the description more vivid.
  2. Personification gives human characteristics to something non-human.
  3. Using a variety of sentence types in descriptive writing engages the reader.

Common misconception

More figurative language in descriptive writing is always better.

Overuse of personification, similes or other figurative devices can overwhelm the reader or dilute the impact of the description.


  • Figurative language - the use of simile and personification to paint vivid pictures for the reader

  • Simile - a linguistic device that compares two things using 'like' or 'as', highlighting similarities to create vivid imagery

  • Personification - a linguistic device that gives human characteristics to non-human objects to create vivid imagery

  • Compare - to note what is the same and what is different

Create scenarios where pupils embody personified objects or act out similes. For example, pupils could act out 'as brave as a lion' or the personification of the wind.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which of these is an example of a proper noun?
Correct answer: Mount Everest
Which sentence demonstrates the correct use of capital letters and full stops?
the snow covered the peaks The mountains were majestic
The snow covered the peaks the mountains were majestic.
Correct answer: The snow covered the peaks. The mountains were majestic.
The snow covered the peaks the mountains were majestic
Which sentence uses ambitious verbs to describe the actions within snowy mountains?
Snow was on top of the peaks.
The mountains were majestic.
Correct answer: The blizzard raged fiercely.
The landscape was serene.
Which phrase best uses descriptive adjectives to depict snowy mountains?
The mountains stood tall.
Snow covered the peaks.
Correct answer: The majestic, snow-capped mountains gleamed.
The hills were white.
Which sentence uses figurative language related to snowy mountains?
The air was chilly.
Snow covered the peaks.
Correct answer: The mountains wore a blanket of glistening snow.
The clouds moved across the sky.
Match the sense to the appropriate descriptive phrase.
Correct Answer:sight,snow-capped peaks and glistening slopes

snow-capped peaks and glistening slopes

Correct Answer:sound,whispers of wind among the icy cliffs

whispers of wind among the icy cliffs

Correct Answer:smell,scent of pine and crisp, fresh snow

scent of pine and crisp, fresh snow

Correct Answer:taste,cold, pure mountain air on the tongue

cold, pure mountain air on the tongue

6 Questions

Which figurative language device is used in the sentence 'The stars danced in the night sky.'?
fronted adverbial
Correct answer: personification
Which of the following is an example of a simile?
The trees whispered secrets to each other in the breeze.
The sun was a golden ball in the sky.
Correct answer: The river flowed swiftly like a racing horse.
The mountain stood tall and majestic against the horizon.
Which sentence uses personification?
The wind howled through the night.
The stars twinkled in the dark sky.
The bookshelf held rows of old, dusty tomes.
Correct answer: The flowers nodded their heads in agreement.
Which of the following sentences is a compound sentence?
Snow covered the peaks.
Correct answer: The air was crisp and the peaks glowed in the sunlight.
The slopes were treacherous.
The mountains were majestic as they stood proudly.
Which sentence is an adverbial complex sentence?
The snow-covered peaks gleamed in the sunlight.
The skiers navigated the slopes with skill.
The mountain goats climbed effortlessly along the cliffs.
Correct answer: As the blizzard subsided, the landscape transformed.
Which of these is a relative complex sentence?
The peaks were covered in a blanket of snow.
Snowy mountains evoke a sense of awe.
The valleys nestled between the towering peaks.
Correct answer: The mountains, which endured harsh winters, stood tall and majestic.