Year 4

Writing a desert island scene

I can write a descriptive scene about a hot desert island.

Year 4

Writing a desert island scene

I can write a descriptive scene about a hot desert island.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Sentences should be said aloud before writing to ensure they make sense and read back once written to check for errors.
  2. Ambitious vocabulary and figurative language create a vivid picture in the reader's mind.
  3. Writers choose varied fronted adverbials and different sentence types to ensure the text flows for the reader.
  4. Careful selection of nouns and pronouns ensures cohesion within sentences and across sections of a written piece.
  5. Past simple, progressive and perfect verb forms can be used to improve text cohesion.

Common misconception

Pupils copy notes directly from their plans without forming full sentences.

Pupils should say the sentence aloud first, then write it out. Finally, pupils should check their writing for sense and punctuation.


  • Zoom-in - a writing technique that involves starting description with a broad idea and gradually narrowing the focus to explore specific details

  • Text flow - how a text is written to keep the reader engaged

  • Fronted adverbial - a sentence starter followed by a comma

  • Past tense - shows that the action happened before now

Encourage pupils to practise writing their sentences on mini-whiteboards after saying their sentences aloud.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which of these are examples of figurative language?
Correct answer: personification
Correct answer: simile
Identify the simile.
Correct answer: The beach was as serene as a sleeping baby.
Golden sands stretched endlessly towards the sea.
Seagulls danced in the azure sky.
Identify the simile.
Correct answer: The sea roared like an angry lion.
The blue sea stretched out endlessly.
Seabirds soared overhead, gliding in the wind.
Which sentence uses personification?
Correct answer: The waves teased the sand with foam fingers.
The beach was covered with umbrellas.
Seashells were spread across the sandy beach.
Which sentence uses personification?
The sea sparkled in the sun's rays.
The seabirds glided above the vast expanse of blue.
Correct answer: The waves whispered secrets to the shore.
Match the stylistic device to the correct sentence.
Correct Answer:repetition,The waves crashed and crashed and crashed.

The waves crashed and crashed and crashed.

Correct Answer:simile,The beach stretched on like a vast canvas.

The beach stretched on like a vast canvas.

Correct Answer:personification,The sun embraced us.

The sun embraced us.

6 Questions

Which of these words are the adjectives in the following sentence? 'High above the vast ocean, the relentless, oppressive sun blazed like an angry dragon.'
Correct answer: vast
Correct answer: relentless
Correct answer: oppressive
Which of these adjectives has the closest meaning to 'gleaming'?
Correct answer: shining
Which of these contain an element of personification?
scorched like an angry dragon
glistened like polished glass
Correct answer: trees stood proudly
emerged like a jewel
Which of these is a fronted adverbial of manner?
High above,
In every direction,
Every single day,
Correct answer: Relentlessly,
Fill in the gap: 'The gleaming desert island emerged like a jewel __________ it invited explorers to come ashore with its mysterious allure.'
Correct answer: and
Which of these is a relative complex sentence?
Correct answer: The tired trees, which swayed in the breeze, offered shade from the heat.
The tired trees swayed in the breeze.
The tired trees swayed in the breeze as the sun blazed down.
As the trees swayed in the breeze, they offered shade from the heat.