‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’: Puck - obedient servant or irreverent joker?
I can explore the way Puck treats the Rude Mechanicals in Act 3 of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’, and consider how this is different or similar to his words and actions in Act 2.
‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’: Puck - obedient servant or irreverent joker?
I can explore the way Puck treats the Rude Mechanicals in Act 3 of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’, and consider how this is different or similar to his words and actions in Act 2.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Arguably, Puck is first presented as an irreverent character.
- Shakespeare develops Puck’s character by contrasting his initial presentation to his interactions with Oberon.
- Puck’s language when he speaks to Oberon suggests he respects the hierarchy.
- Puck’s language when he first meets the Rude Mechanicals suggests he has contempt for them as low status characters.
Irreverent - disrespectful
Contemptuous - insulting
Rude Mechanicals - the phrase Puck uses to describe the poor Athenian actors, referencing their day jobs as skilled manual labourers
Crude - humour that relies on rude words or ideas
Hierarchy - a system whereby people or things are ranked, with some being higher than others
Common misconception
Puck is a disrespectful character.
Puck's disrespect is targeted at particular characters. He is shown as respectful to Oberon, for example, and other high status characters.
You need access to a copy of William Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. However, the relevant extracts for this lesson can also be found in the additional materials.
Content guidance
- Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour
- Depiction or discussion of peer pressure or bullying
- Risk assessment required - physical activity
Adult supervision required