Year 8

Planning an opinion article

I can write brilliant topic sentences to convey my argument.

Year 8

Planning an opinion article

I can write brilliant topic sentences to convey my argument.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. When planning an opinion article, the message needs to be consistent - your opinion is your message.
  2. You should identify between 3 and 4 reasons or examples to support your opinion.
  3. Topic sentences help you to maintain a cohesive and convincing argument.
  4. Aim to make your topic sentences as engaging as possible, as they introduce each new section of your argument.
  5. Rhetorical devices (such as direct address) can be used to elevate your topic sentences.

Common misconception

Students often don't think to include rhetorical devices within their topic sentences.

Just because the topic sentences introduces the main idea for the paragraph, that does not mean the topic sentence can't be really creative and engaging. It's crucial that it is engaging to motivate the reader to learn more about the topic.


  • Escapism - seeking distraction or relief from unpleasant or tiresome realities

  • Conservative - traditional or resistant to change

  • Vicariously - experiencing something through someone else’s lived experience

  • Hyperbole - exaggerating something for effect

  • Provocative - something that causes a strong reaction from people or incites debate

The check for understanding in LC2 ('we do, you do') can be done as a class if you feel students are struggling a little. This could easily be done under a visualiser, with students contributing their ideas.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
  • Depiction or discussion of upsetting content


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

What is a topic sentence?
Correct answer: a sentence which states what your paragraph is going to be about
a sentence which introductes a quote in your wriiting
a sentence which concludes your paragraph
Why were Victorian audiences so interested in Gothic literature?
Correct answer: they read Gothic literature as a form of escape from their everyday lives
they lived in a very liberal society so could read whatever they wanted
Correct answer: they read Gothic literature for a thrill
Which method below can you use to end an opinion article in an impactful way?
Correct answer: mirroring
concluding sentence
What is being described here: 'a confusing and difficult-to-answer problem or question.'
Correct answer: conundrum
Which of these is not a rhetorical device?
rhetorical question
direct address
Correct answer: rhyme
How can you create an engaging opening to an opinion piece?
Correct answer: use humour
Correct answer: create a shared experience
use facts and figures
give them a conundrum

6 Questions

What is the purpose of a topic sentence?
Correct answer: helps you to maintain a cohesive and convincing argument.
Correct answer: outlines the main information in a paragraph
allows you to effectively conclude your paragraph
What is being described here: 'exaggerating something for effect.'
Correct answer: hyperbole
Which of the following is the correct explanation of what provocative means?
something that motivates people
something that makes people indifferent
Correct answer: something that forces people to debate
How many reasons or supporting examples are ideal when planning an opinion piece?
Correct answer: 3
Correct answer: 4
What does the word 'vicariously' mean?
traditional or resistant to change
Correct answer: experiencing something through someone else’s lived experience
seeking distraction or relief from unpleasant or tiresome realities
Complete this sentence: " help elevate basic topic sentences."
Correct Answer: rhetorical devices