Year 9

Understanding patriotism in Rupert Brooke’s ‘The Soldier’

I can explain how Rupert Brooke presents the experience of dying at war.

Year 9

Understanding patriotism in Rupert Brooke’s ‘The Soldier’

I can explain how Rupert Brooke presents the experience of dying at war.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Brooke's poem is arguably patriotic - the soldier loves his homeland
  2. The poem is also quite idealistic - the soldier believes that England is paradise
  3. The soldier arguably believes that dying for his country will cleanse his soul of evil
  4. The poem was popular at the time of writing, before the realities of war where known
  5. Modern readers may find the poem very naive

Common misconception

That a poet had to experience actual fighting to write war poetry.

Though part of the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve, Brooke saw no military action.


  • Idealistic - Idealistic means unrealistically believing in or pursuing perfection.

  • Naive - Naive means showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement.

  • Sacrifice - Sacrifice means to give up something valued for the sake of other considerations.

  • Optimism - Optimism means hopefulness or confidence about the future or the success of something.

  • Patriotic - Patriotic means having or expressing devotion to and support for one's country.

It would be useful if pupils were primed with knowledge around the harsh conditions of trench warfare in order to understand how Brooke's portrayal of dying might be considered idealistic.
Teacher tip


There is a copy of Rupert Brooke's 'The Soldier' in the additional materials.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

When was WW1?
Correct answer: 1914-1918
Which of the following were allies to Britain in WW1?
Correct answer: France
Correct answer: America
The suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. is known as .
Correct Answer: censorship
Name the techniques used in government propaganda posters to persuade?
Correct answer: Direct address
Correct answer: Rhetorical questions
Expert views
'Bent double, like old beggars under sacks' from Owen's 'Dulce et Decorum Est.' could be interpreted as which two of the following?
Correct answer: The war was physically draining on the soldiers
Correct answer: The war sucked the life out of the soldiers
The weather conditions were hard on the soldiers
The constant sound of gunfire was emotionally draining
Which is the most likely reason for why war poetry is so popular with the public?
It is of higher literary quality than other poems.
Correct answer: It offers an insight into life on the front lines.
It offers a purely anti-war perspective.

6 Questions

What does patriotism mean?
Correct answer: Expressing devotion to and support for one's country.
Expressing a love of experiencing new places.
Expressing a critical attitude towards one's country.
Expressing indifference towards one's country.
Which war inspired Rupert Brooke's 'The Soldier'?
Crimean war
Correct answer: WWI
The speaker in 'The Soldier' wanted to be remembered as a .
Correct Answer: soldier, Soldier
Put these events relating to 'The Soldier' and Rupert Brooke's life in chronological order.
1 - Rupert Brooke begins writing poetry.
2 - At the outbreak of war, Rupert Brooke immediately volunteers.
3 - During his first posting, Brooke experiences no military action.
4 - 'The Soldier' is published along with four other sonnets.
5 - Rupert Brooke dies during WW1.
Which of the following may have been reasons for the popularity of 'The Soldier' with the government?
Correct answer: It expressed a patriotic attitude.
It told people to volunteer for the war.
Correct answer: It expressed an optimistic view of dying for one's country.
It expressed gratitude to the government's military operations.
Modern readers may find Brooke's purely positive attitude towards death in 'The Soldier' and naive.
Correct Answer: idealistic, Idealistic

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