Year 9

An exploration of Chapter 1 of 'Lord of the Flies'

I can explain how characters and objects are presented in Chapter 1.

Year 9

An exploration of Chapter 1 of 'Lord of the Flies'

I can explain how characters and objects are presented in Chapter 1.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In Chapter 1, we meet the characters Ralph, Piggy and Jack who have contrasting personalities.
  2. Piggy seems to be the weakest because he has a number of physical ailments.
  3. Ralph uses the conch (a beautiful shell) to summon the other children on the island.
  4. Both Jack and Ralph want to be leader and Ralph is elected.
  5. Jack uses his knife to try to kill a pig, but he is unable to strike the blow.

Common misconception

Pupils often think the island in the novel is like a tropical paradise.

Draw their attention to the suggestion of danger in the language used.


  • Stranded - unable to leave somewhere

  • Uninhabited - an uninhabited place has no people living in it

  • Conch - a large spiral shell

  • To summon - to call someone to a particular place

  • Characterisation - the method by which a writer represents someone using description and speech

Asking pupils to list and reflect on what they regard as necessities can help them appreciate the challenges facing the boys in the novel.
Teacher tip


You will need access to a copy of William Golding's 'Lord of the Flies'.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

In what year was 'Lord of the Flies' published?
Correct answer: 1954
William Golding, author of 'Lord of the Flies' served in which war?
World War I
Correct answer: World War II
Vietnam War
Boer War
What does 'uninhabited' mean?
densely populated
sparsely populated
not suitable for habitation
Correct answer: not lived in by people
If we say something is natural, what do we mean?
made by humans
Correct answer: not made or caused by humans
made in a factory
What word beginning with 'C' means the fictional people in a novel?
Correct Answer: characters, character, a character
In his lifetime, as well as being a writer, William Golding had two significant roles. What were they?
pilot and teacher
navy commander and doctor
Correct answer: teacher and navy commander
teacher and soldier

6 Questions

Match the words on the left with their synonym on the right.
Correct Answer:stranded,marooned


Correct Answer:uninhabited,deserted


Correct Answer:conch ,a type of shell

a type of shell

Correct Answer:to summon,call forth

call forth

Which of the following is the best definition of characterisation?
Correct answer: the creation of characters using actions, appearance and dialogue
choosing the right actors to play characters in films
the real life inspiration for characters
the names that writers choose to give to their characters
Match the character from Golding's 'Lord of the Flies' to their description.
Correct Answer:Piggy ,has asthma and wears glasses

has asthma and wears glasses

Correct Answer:Ralph,fair haired and a strong swimmer

fair haired and a strong swimmer

Correct Answer:Jack,wears a cloak and orders the boys about

wears a cloak and orders the boys about

Starting with the first, put the events from Chapter 1 of 'Lord of the Flies' in chronological order.
1 - Ralph and Piggy meet.
2 - Ralph uses the conch to summon the others.
3 - There is an election for chief and Ralph wins.
4 - Ralph says Jack can keep the choir as his and be the hunter.
5 - Ralph, Simon and Jack explore the island.
6 - Jack tries to kill the pig but can't.
In 'Lord of the Flies' what is the conch used for?
as a source of food and comfort
Correct answer: to regulate debate within the group
as a powerful sound to ward off dangerous beasts
as a weapon for killing pigs
In 'Lord of the Flies', why doesn't Jack kill the pig?
he doesn't want to
he is not quick enough
Correct answer: the thought of blood scares him
the other boys get in the way