Year 9

An exploration of Chapter 10 of 'Lord of the Flies'

I can explain and explore the key events in Chapter 10 of 'Lord of the Flies'.

Year 9

An exploration of Chapter 10 of 'Lord of the Flies'

I can explain and explore the key events in Chapter 10 of 'Lord of the Flies'.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Ralph, Piggy, Sam and Eric want to deny the role that they played in Simon's murder.
  2. Jack blames the beast for Simon's death, absolving himself of any responsibility.
  3. Jack's tribe attack Ralph's as they sleep, stealing Piggy's glasses.
  4. Jack rules his camp through fear and appealing to the violent animalistic side of the boys’ characters.
  5. At the end of Chapter 10, Jack feels he is the true chief.

Common misconception

Students may think the boys all feel the same about the killing of Simon.

Focus on words used: Some talk about "murder," some call the killing an "accident" or pretend that they left "early".


  • Guilt - the fact of having done something wrong

  • Remorse - a feeling of sadness and being sorry for something you have done

  • Denial - an unwillingness to accept that something unpleasant or criminal is true

  • Severity - the quality of being very serious

  • Arbitrary - unfair, based on chance rather than a clear plan

You could explore Ralph's willingness to take responsibility after the death of Simon. What does this suggest about Ralph? Is he the most moral character on the island?
Teacher tip


You will need access to a copy of 'Lord of the Flies' by William Golding.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

What happens to Simon towards the end of Chapter 9 of 'Lord of the Flies'?
He learns that the beast is a dead parachutist.
He falls into a faint.
Correct answer: He is killed by those who mistake him for the beast.
He has a long hallucinatory conversation with the beast.
Which of the following is the best synonym for power?
Correct answer: influence
Which of the following behaviours are important when you are discussing a topic?
Correct answer: listen carefully
speak first
Correct answer: critique ideas not people
say as much as possible
Correct answer: be prepared to change your mind
Which of the following is the best definition of the phrase 'textual evidence'?
the writer's politics
Correct answer: the writer's written words
the writer's education
the writer's point of view
Which of the following statements are true about Jack in 'Lord of the Flies'?
Correct answer: He resents Ralph and dislikes Piggy.
Correct answer: He used to be a chorister.
He is determined to be rescued.
He respects the power of the conch.
Correct answer: He paints a mask on his face.
Which of the following boys are not named in 'Lord of the Flies'?
Correct answer: Clive
Correct answer: William

6 Questions

Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.
Correct Answer:severe,very serious

very serious

Correct Answer:guilt,knowledge that you have done something wrong or committed a crime

knowledge that you have done something wrong or committed a crime

Correct Answer:remorse,a feeling of sadness about having done something wrong

a feeling of sadness about having done something wrong

Correct Answer:in denial,refusing to admit or acknowledge something

refusing to admit or acknowledge something

Correct Answer:arbitrary ,random acts, not based on a plan, often unfair

random acts, not based on a plan, often unfair

Which of the boys is most willing to accept the reality that they have killed Simon in 'Lord of the Flies'?
Correct answer: Ralph
In 'Lord of the Flies', Jack seems able to admit there was a killing. Who does he say they killed?
Simon in disguise
the parachutist in disguise
Correct answer: the beast in disguise
the plane's pilot in disguise
In 'Lord of the Flies', the boys employ a euphemism (a milder word) to refer to the frenzy in which they killed Simon. What is the euphemism?
Correct answer: dance
Which of the following are examples of Jack's power in 'Lord of the Flies'?
Correct answer: He was the head chorister.
Correct answer: He can hunt for meat.
He administers power fairly.
The boys admire him because he is kind.
Correct answer: He steals Piggy's classes.
When reflecting on a discussion, which of the following should we consider?
Correct answer: the strength of the arguments
how much you said
Correct answer: the quality of the textual evidence used
how little you said