Year 9

An exploration of Chapter 4 of 'Lord of the Flies'

I can explain and explore the key events in Chapter 4 of ‘Lord of the Flies’.

Year 9

An exploration of Chapter 4 of 'Lord of the Flies'

I can explain and explore the key events in Chapter 4 of ‘Lord of the Flies’.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In Chapter 4, the boys’ behaviour changes as they become less and less respectful of their old values.
  2. The island’s climate seems hostile towards them.
  3. A ship was seen on the horizon but the hunters/the choir have let the signal fire go out.
  4. Jack and his hunters kill a pig and the boys feast on the meat.
  5. Ralph is angry that they missed the opportunity of being rescued and says they need to have a meeting.

Common misconception

Students might think that Golding's reference to a world order in "ruins" refers to the damaged sandcastles and their ruined life on the island.

Remind students of Golding's wartime experiences and the events of WWII. Golding is referring to the world the boys left behind as well as the world on the island.


  • Morality - relating to the standards, not laws, of good or bad behaviour, fairness, honesty

  • To undermine - to make someone less confident, less powerful, or less likely to succeed, often gradually

  • Sincere - not pretending or lying; honest

  • Accountable - responsible for what you do and able to give a satisfactory reason for it

  • To model - doing something in a way that can be used as an example

You could encourage students to think about the significance of the colours used in Jack's mask: they are white, red and black.
Teacher tip


You will need access to a copy of William Golding's 'Lord of the Flies'.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

The island in 'Lord of the Flies' has what type of climate?
Correct answer: tropical
Which of these is the best synonym for the verb 'to adjust'?
to argue
to aggravate
Correct answer: to modify
to summon
Why have the boys decided that it is important that the fire is never allowed to go out in 'Lord of the Flies'?
They need the fire to stay warm.
They need the fire to cook their food.
Correct answer: The need the fire to send smoke signals to ships.
They need the fire to keep the trees under control.
In 'Lord of the Flies', Jack is obsessed with ...
Correct answer: hunting.
In 'Lord of the Flies', the smaller children are frightened of what they call the ...
Correct answer: beastie.
In 'Lord of the Flies', what is the conch used for?
to summon the children and to make a sound to scare wild beasts away
to summon the children and organise the fire building
Correct answer: to regulate debate and summon the children to meetings
to send out a signal to passing ships and rescue them

6 Questions

Another word for 'sincere' is ...
Correct answer: genuine.
'To make someone less confident, less powerful, or less likely to succeed, often gradually', is to them.
Correct Answer: undermine, undermines, undermining, undermined
If you set someone a good example, you might be said to be __________ proper behaviour.
Correct answer: modelling
Why does Jack call the choir away from the signal fire in 'Lord of the Flies'?
Correct answer: He needs them to make up the numbers for the hunt.
He wants to show them what he has found.
He wants to defy Ralph.
He thinks the fire is a waste of time.
How does Jack get ready for the hunt in Chapter 4 of 'Lord of the Flies'?
Correct answer: He paints his face.
He gathers a pile of stones.
He talks himself into being brave.
He takes advice from Roger.
In Chapter 4 of 'Lord of the Flies', even Piggy and Ralph - who are angry about the fire - want to eat the meat that Jack is cooking. Why?
Correct answer: They are hungry and have been living on fruit for weeks.
They want to show Jack that he has done one thing well.
Everyone else is eating meat and they don't want to feel left out.
They don't want the food to go to waste and rot, attracting wild animals.