Year 9

An exploration of Chapter 5 of 'Lord of the Flies'

I can explain and explore the key events in Chapter 5 of 'Lord of the Flies'.

Year 9

An exploration of Chapter 5 of 'Lord of the Flies'

I can explain and explore the key events in Chapter 5 of 'Lord of the Flies'.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Chapter 5 shows the boys becoming increasingly angry and divided.
  2. Ralph attempts to assert his authority, but Jack openly defies him.
  3. The boys' many fears are openly expressed.
  4. Irrational fears are held by the majority of the boys.
  5. Jack uses the boys' fears to take them away, therefore asserting his authority.

Common misconception

Students may think that Ralph doesn't blow the conch to summon the boys back because he is afraid of Jack.

Ralph is not afraid of Jack. He is afraid that if he blows the conch and the boys don't return, he will have lost his authority.


  • Acrimonious - angry and bitter

  • Authority - the power or right to give orders, make decisions and enforce obedience

  • Rational - logical and informed by known facts

  • Irrational - not supported or evidenced by known facts

Students may enjoy sharing childhood fears especially ones they now find silly. That can then become a springboard to discuss why people fear certain things more than another.
Teacher tip


You will need access to a copy of William Golding's 'Lord of the Flies'.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

In Chapter 1 of 'Lord of the Flies', what object does Ralph use to summon the other boys to a meeting?
Correct Answer: conch, a conch, the conch
What does Ralph think they should focus on early on in 'Lord of the Flies'?
hunting for food
organising meetings
gathering fruit
gathering water
Correct answer: building a signal fire
What are Jack and his choir primarily focused on early on in 'Lord of the Flies'?
building societies
finding fresh water
Correct answer: hunting pigs
exploring the island
In 'Lord of the Flies', what does Jack use to camouflage himself?
mud and leaves
Correct answer: clay and charcoal
ash and sand
seaweed and soil
In Chapter 4 of 'Lord of the Flies', what major mistake do the hunters make?
Correct answer: They let the fire go out.
They fight among themselves.
They destroy the shelters.
They lose the conch.
In Chapter 4 of 'Lord of the Flies', Piggy criticises Jack for letting the fire go out. How does Jack react?
he apologises to Piggy
he laughs it off
Correct answer: he hits Piggy
he ignores him

6 Questions

Match the words on the left with their synonyms on the right.
Correct Answer:irrational ,unreasonable


Correct Answer:fear ,terror


Correct Answer:rational ,logical


Correct Answer:acrimony,bitterness


Correct Answer:authority,power


Starting with the first, put the events of Chapter 5 of 'Lord of the Flies' in chronological order.
1 - Ralph calls a meeting to discuss what has gone wrong and to restate the rules.
2 - The boys discuss the beasts' existence and the "littluns" express their fears.
3 - Ralph stresses that the signal fire must be kept if they want to be rescued.
4 - Jack undermines Ralph's authority and takes the boys away to hunt.
5 - Ralph, Piggy and Simon are left feeling isolated and powerless.
Which of the following does nobody fear in the novel 'Lord of the Flies'?
the beast
Correct answer: going home
staying on the island for ever
In 'Lord of the Flies', which of the characters seems most preoccupied with status i.e. what people think of them?
Correct answer: Jack
In Chapter 5 of 'Lord of the Flies, which of the following is the best description of how Jack responds to the boys' fears?
he argues against their fears
he suggests they should all stay together
Correct answer: he offers protection in order to assert his power
he says they should build stronger shelters
Which of the following best explains why irrational fears may be the strongest in Chapter 5 of 'Lord of the Flies'?
they hear strange noises and that makes them scared
Correct answer: their fear is made worse by the unknown and the uncertain
they are convinced that there is a beast
the children are young and easily frightened