Year 9

Using paragraphs effectively

I can use paragraphs accurately and effectively in my writing to reveal details about a character.

Year 9

Using paragraphs effectively

I can use paragraphs accurately and effectively in my writing to reveal details about a character.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. We use paragraphs to organise our ideas clearly.
  2. Paragraphs are needed when you introduce a new topic, time, place or person.
  3. Paragraphs should be cohesive in between shifts.
  4. Slowly revealing information about a character across multiple paragraphs creates suspense.

Common misconception

Some pupils might think it doesn't always matter where paragraphs go as long as the text is broken up in places.

Effective paragraphing is important to the reader's experience of the text. It helps them to follow what they're reading more easily and well crafted paragraphs allow the writer to reveal information in a way that suits their writing best.


  • Cohesive - in fiction writing this means the ideas fit together

  • Accurate - correct in all details; without mistake

  • Suspense - a feeling of anxiousness or uncertainty

  • Paragraph - a distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single idea or topic

  • TiPToP - stands for: time, person, topic, place

You may want to build in additional time for pupils to write up their plans from LC2 or set this is an additional homework task.
Teacher tip


You will need a copy of the example model answer which is available in the additional materials.


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6 Questions

Which method is used by writers to highlight the contrast between two characters?
Correct answer: juxtaposition
What does the term ‘reflect’ mean in the context of character description?
showing the character’s physical appearance
Correct answer: mirroring the character’s personality or emotions
revealing the plot
describing the setting
Which of the following is the best example of sensory imagery?
The sky was blue and children were playing.
Correct answer: The old house smelled musty and the walls were covered in dust.
The car was faster than I had ever seen.
Which verb would best convey a character's anger in dialogue?
Correct answer: shouted
In writing, what does ‘vivid’ mean when describing a setting?
Correct answer: detailed
Correct answer: clear
What is a common mistake when using paragraphs to describe a character?
changing paragraphs with a new time or place
using paragraphs to shift focus from one character to another
Correct answer: including a detailed description of multiple ideas in one paragraph

6 Questions

What is the purpose of using paragraphs effectively in writing?
to make the description longer and more detailed
to add different ideas to a description
Correct answer: to organise and separate different ideas or details
Which of the following is not a component of the TiPToP structure?
Correct answer: plot
How should information about a character be revealed across multiple paragraphs to build suspense?
all at once in the first paragraph
Correct answer: slowly and gradually, revealing details bit by bit
only in the last paragraph
Put the suggested outline for revealing information about a malevolent character in order, starting with the first.
1 - introduce the character
2 - build suspense
3 - reveal malevolence
What is the following a definition of? 'In fiction writing, this means the ideas fit together.'
Correct Answer: cohesive, cohesion
What does 'cohesion' in writing refer to?
the clarity of each paragraph’s topic
Correct answer: the flow and connection between ideas and paragraphs
the descriptions of the characters

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