Year 8

Exploring enjambment in Alfred, Lord Tennyson's ‘The Lady of Shalott’

I can explore selected examples of enjambment in Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s poem, ‘The Lady of Shalott’.

Year 8

Exploring enjambment in Alfred, Lord Tennyson's ‘The Lady of Shalott’

I can explore selected examples of enjambment in Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s poem, ‘The Lady of Shalott’.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Enjambment is when there is no punctuation at the end of a line of poetry.
  2. You can analyse a poet's use of enjambment.
  3. When analysing a poet's use of enjambment, you should select a clear example and refer to it through quotation.
  4. You should connect the use of enjambment to specific ideas in the poem.

Common misconception

You can't include quotations when exploring enjambment.

If analysing enjambment, you must include a specific example. Just as you would include a quotation to explore a simile (for example) so must you include a quotation to explore enjambment.


  • Enjambment - when there is no punctuation at the end of a line of poetry

  • Foreshadows - a hint or indication of something happening in the future

  • Confined - trapped, restricted to

  • Selective - to choose carefully

Consider if you could use pupil examples for the feedback of Learning Cycle 2. You could select strong examples of analysis that you have identified during the writing task and ask pupils to identify their strengths in relation to the checklist.
Teacher tip


You will need a copy of Alfred, Lord Tennyson's 'The Lady of Shalott' which can be found in on the worksheet.

Content guidance

  • Contains strong language
  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

Match the poetic terms to their meanings (‘Myths, legends and stories that inspire’).
Correct Answer:stanza,a verse of a poem

a verse of a poem

Correct Answer:enjambment ,when there is no punctuation at the end of a line of poetry

when there is no punctuation at the end of a line of poetry

Correct Answer:rhyme,repetition of similar sounds in one or more words, especially in poems

repetition of similar sounds in one or more words, especially in poems

Correct Answer:foreshadowing,an indication of something happening in the future

an indication of something happening in the future

In ‘The Lady of Shalott’, why is the Lady of Shalott confined to a tower on the island of Shalott? (‘Myths, legends and stories that inspire’)
She is imprisoned there by Sir Lancelot.
She is imprisoned there by King Arthur.
She wishes to live alone.
Correct answer: She is cursed.
She has been exiled from Camelot.
What is true of Camelot, an important location in ‘The Lady of Shalott’? (‘Myths, legends and stories that inspire’)
It is where the Lady of Shalott lives.
It is a real place in England.
Correct answer: It is where King Arthur and his knights live.
Correct answer: It is where the Lady of Shalott travels to at the end of the poem.
Correct answer: It is separated from Shalott by water.
Starting with the first, put these plot points telling the story of ‘The Lady of Shalott’ in chronological order. (‘Myths, legends and stories that inspire’)
1 - We learn about the curse on the Lady of Shalott.
2 - The Lady of Shalott expresses loneliness.
3 - The Lady of Shalott leaves her weaving to see Sir Lancelot.
4 - Knowing the curse is on her, the Lady of Shalott leaves her tower.
5 - The Lady of Shalott sings as she sails to Camelot.
6 - The Lady of Shalott dies whilst traveling to Camelot.
7 - People from Camelot come and look at the Lady of Shalott’s body.
What are some of the things the Lady of Shalott sees from her tower in ‘The Lady of Shalott’? (‘Myths, legends and stories that inspire’)
Correct answer: young lovers
Correct answer: Sir Lancelot
Correct answer: funerals
the person who cursed her
In ‘The Lady of Shalott’, Tennyson writes “A is on her, if she stay/ Her weaving, either night or day”. (‘Myths, legends and stories that inspire’)
Correct Answer: curse

6 Questions

Enjambment is when... (‘Myths, legends and stories that inspire’)
there is no punctuation in the middle of a line of poetry.
there is punctuation in the middle of a line of poetry.
Correct answer: there is no punctuation at the end of a line of poetry.
any punctuation is used at the end of a line of poetry.
a poet uses punctuation to foreshadow a future event.
Match each part of ‘The Lady of Shalott’ to what happens in it. (‘Myths, legends and stories that inspire’)
Correct Answer:Part 1,We learn about two settings: Shalott and Camelot.

We learn about two settings: Shalott and Camelot.

Correct Answer:Part 2,We learn about the curse and the Lady of Shalott’s life.

We learn about the curse and the Lady of Shalott’s life.

Correct Answer:Part 3,The Lady of Shalott stops weaving to look at Sir Lancelot.

The Lady of Shalott stops weaving to look at Sir Lancelot.

Correct Answer:Part 4,The Lady of Shalott dies traveling to Camelot.

The Lady of Shalott dies traveling to Camelot.

Enjambment is when there is no punctuation at the of a line of poetry. (‘Myths, legends and stories that inspire’)
Correct Answer: end
What is true when analysing enjambment? (‘Myths, legends and stories that inspire’)
You don’t need to include quotation.
Correct answer: You should link enjambment to the ideas in a poem.
You should analyse every single use of enjambment in the same paragraph.
Correct answer: You should use quotation to pinpoint a specific example of enjambment.
Which sentences use the word confined correctly? (‘Myths, legends and stories that inspire’)
Sir Lancelot is confined because he can ride wherever he likes.
The citizens of Camelot can't leave the city: they are not confined.
Correct answer: The Lady of Shalott is confined to a tower because of a curse.
The Lady of Shalott has a lot of freedom because she is confined to a tower.
is when a writer gives a hint or indication of something that will happen in the future. (‘Myths, legends and stories that inspire’)
Correct Answer: Foreshadowing