Year 8

Natasha Bowen's ‘Skin of the Sea’: understanding the extract

I can show understanding of Natasha Bowen's 'Skin of the Sea' through comprehension and annotation.

Year 8

Natasha Bowen's ‘Skin of the Sea’: understanding the extract

I can show understanding of Natasha Bowen's 'Skin of the Sea' through comprehension and annotation.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. 'Skin of the Sea' centres around a protagonist called Simidele who is a Mami Wata, in this instance a mermaid.
  2. As a Mami Wata, Simidele must collect souls of enslaved people who die as they are transported across the Atlantic.
  3. Natasha Bowen makes use of flashback in the opening chapter to hint at Simidele's life before she became a Mami Wata.
  4. When annotating a text, you can use a range of symbols and notes to help develop an understanding of the text’s ideas.

Common misconception

A Mami Wata is always presented as a mermaid who saves the souls of enslaved people.

Mami Wata is a water spirit and has a rich tradition in West, Central and Southern Africa. Bowen has used the deity in her novel and presented her as a mermaid with a specific task, but the goddess is presented in different ways in other art.


  • Mami Wata - a water spirit or deity (god) sacred to West, Central and Southern Africa

  • Flashback - a transition in a story to an earlier time in the life of one or more characters

  • Mortal - human

  • Annotate - to make short notes on, and about, a text

Consider how you will read the extract with your pupils. How much time might this require, and what questions would you like to ask as you read it? Will your pupils require further definitions of key vocabulary?
Teacher tip


You and your pupils will need a copy of 'Skin of the Sea' by Natasha Bowen, published by Penguin Random House in 2021.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour
  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
  • Depiction or discussion of upsetting content


Adult supervision recommended


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

The extract from 'Skin of the Sea' ('Myths, legends and stories that inspire') is written in the first person. Match each perspective to its definition.
Correct Answer:first person ,the narrator is a character in the story using pronouns like 'I'

the narrator is a character in the story using pronouns like 'I'

Correct Answer:second person ,the narrator speaks directly to the reader using pronouns like 'you'

the narrator speaks directly to the reader using pronouns like 'you'

Correct Answer:third person ,the narrator isn’t a character in the story using 'he', 'she', 'they'

the narrator isn’t a character in the story using 'he', 'she', 'they'

The extract from 'Skin of the Sea' ('Myths, legends and stories that inspire') is from a novel. Match each word which helps us understand the form of a novel to its definition.
Correct Answer:extract,a short section of a text

a short section of a text

Correct Answer:author,the person who wrote the story

the person who wrote the story

Correct Answer:narrator,the person telling the story

the person telling the story

Correct Answer:blurb,a short description on the back of a book giving an overview

a short description on the back of a book giving an overview

Correct Answer:chapter ,a way of dividing stories into sections

a way of dividing stories into sections

Match each technique, all important to 'Skin of the Sea' ('Myths, legends and stories that inspire') to its definition.
Correct Answer:flashback,a transition to a time earlier in the life of one or more characters

a transition to a time earlier in the life of one or more characters

Correct Answer:personification,when an object is given human characteristics

when an object is given human characteristics

Correct Answer:simile,a method of comparison using the word 'like' or 'as'

a method of comparison using the word 'like' or 'as'

Correct Answer:first person ,a narrative perspective in which the narrator is a character

a narrative perspective in which the narrator is a character

The extract from 'Skin of the Sea' ('Myths, legends and stories that inspire') is set in the sea. Match each word, all of which help us understand the setting, to their definition.
Correct Answer:current ,a body of water moving in a specific direction

a body of water moving in a specific direction

Correct Answer:swell ,waves created by the sea rather than the wind

waves created by the sea rather than the wind

Correct Answer:scales,the overlapping plates that protect the skin of fish

the overlapping plates that protect the skin of fish

Correct Answer:coral,hard, colourful substance created by some marine life

hard, colourful substance created by some marine life

The extract from 'Skin of the Sea' ('Myths, legends and stories that inspire') is based on West African mythology and myths. What are myths?
stories written by famous writers
stories about historical figures
stories about the monarchs or rulers of a particular land
religious poems
Correct answer: stories which explain how the world began and what the world is like and why
To means to make short notes on, or about, a text.
Correct Answer: annotate

6 Questions

The main character in ‘Skin of the Sea' ('Myths, legends and stories that inspire') is a who lives underwater.
Correct Answer: Mami Wata, mermaid
What is true of Simidele, the main character in Natasha Bowen's 'Skin of the Sea' ('Myths, legends and stories that inspire')?
Correct answer: She was once mortal.
She was once a goddess.
Correct answer: Yemoja transformed her into a Mami Wata.
She has no purpose as a Mami Wata.
In 'Skin of the Sea' ('Myths, legends and stories that inspire'), what is Simidele's role as a Mami Wata?
to punish slavers
to transform others into Mami Watas
to remember her time as a mortal
to try to become mortal again
Correct answer: to gather the souls of enslaved people who die at sea
Match these sentence stems to their endings 'Skin of the Sea' ('Myths, legends and stories that inspire').
Correct Answer:Simidele is a Mami Wata because ,Yemoja transformed her into one.

Yemoja transformed her into one.

Correct Answer:Simidele is a Mami Wata but ,she was once mortal.

she was once mortal.

Correct Answer:Simidele is a Mami Wata so ,she gathers the souls of enslaved people.

she gathers the souls of enslaved people.

Starting with the first plot point, put these events from the opening of 'Skin of the Sea' ('Myths, legends and stories that inspire') into chronological order.
1 - Simidele is circling a ship which holds enslaved people.
2 - Simidele has a flashback and is angry she can't remember more.
3 - Simidele dives down deep into the water.
4 - Simidele sees a woman thrown overboard.
5 - Simidele orders the sharks to leave the woman alone.
6 - Simidele sees that the woman has been badly beaten.
In the opening of 'Skin of the Sea' ('Myths, legends and stories that inspire'), the main character Simidele doesn't want to be seen by the " " on the ship.
Correct Answer: men, humankind