Exploration of the theme of jealousy in 'Othello'
I can identify a variety of evidence to explore the theme of jealousy in ‘Othello’ and how it contributes to Othello's downfall.
Exploration of the theme of jealousy in 'Othello'
I can identify a variety of evidence to explore the theme of jealousy in ‘Othello’ and how it contributes to Othello's downfall.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Shakespeare argues that jealousy doesn't occur in isolation but is a product of the flaws of society.
- Male dominance and pride permeates most of the jealousy in the play.
- You could argue that Othello’s downfall is not caused by jealousy alone.
Cuckolded - When a man’s wife has been unfaithful, he has been ‘cuckolded’.
Chaste - To be chaste can mean not having any sexual desire or intentions.
Catalyses - To catalyse means to cause something to happen.
Contest - To contest means to debate or oppose.
Emasculation - The process of making a man feel less male by taking away his power and confidence.
Common misconception
Only Othello feels jealousy in the play.
Many other characters feel jealousy and it is a driving force for lots of the action in the play.
Content guidance
- Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour
- Depiction or discussion of peer pressure or bullying
- Depiction or discussion of sexual content
Adult supervision required